Example sentences of "make [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Clients who make money with licensed dealers , by accident or design , imagine this is what usually happens .
2 It will make provision for mixed-ability groups much easier to organise , and encourage independent study .
3 Firms may also make provision for bridging loans or provide temporary mortgage facilities .
4 Where products do make provision for active retention management ( many do not ) it is likely to be at document level alone .
5 For court judgments there is , for the European Community , the 1968 Brussels Convention , made part of English law by the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 , and reciprocal enforcement treaties with various other countries under the Administration of Justice Act 1920 and the Foreign Judgments ( Reciprocal Enforcement ) Act 1933 .
6 Aberconwy Borough Council said the damage figure passed the point at which they could make requests for financial help to the Government .
7 Morrissey armed himself with a self made shield of absolute and utter confidence .
8 We could sell his story but we could never make money from other people 's suffering … ’
9 Haunted by penury for the rest of her life , she habitually made notes over other people 's letters and wrote her own on the back of old laundry bills .
10 You could also add things like a new porch or garage , improved security measures , or make improvements to interior decor .
11 How could I make proposals on social security without mentioning National Insurance for which I had ministerial responsibility ?
12 Children make progress at various speeds at different ages and by watching their activities and offering the next stage when they are ready for it teachers can give them the breadth of experience that will make the formal work of later years more meaningful .
13 The outbreak of a new war made defence against chemical warfare agents once again an urgent problem .
14 He recognised that there was general resentment of the oppressive conduct of the Forest officers , and made provision for regular inquiries into it , and for presentment of Forest offences to be made at the attachment courts , as a procedure preliminary to the Forest Eyre .
15 Undaunted , the 1918 Education Act made provision for local authorities to begin to open such schools for all 14–16 year-olds not otherwise engaged in full-time secondary education .
16 France ratified Protocol No 1 of the treaty , which made provision for nuclear powers outside the region which had territories under their jurisdiction within it , in this case French Guiana .
17 The Regional Council 's Code of Practice on the Introduction of Computer Technology ( May 1989 ) made provision for voluntary screening arrangements for V.D.U .
18 Ensuring that services providers make support for informal carers a high priority .
19 In such a case it may well be advisable to draw up the contract to cover stages that can be defined in this way and make contracts for succeeding stages conditional upon achieving agreed criteria of success for prior stages .
20 Many were polemical , and he made enemies among English surgeons whom he attacked in print .
21 Company chief David Ellwood said yesterday that his firm made nooses for British hangmen until 1964 — but had now dropped the trade .
22 Among the more sophisticated proposals are those put forward by Barnes and Barr that make provision for tied bursaries to protect shortage subjects and for positive discrimination by means of ‘ bonuses ’ on top of the standard bursary for particularly disadvantaged students .
23 All three of these organisations make provision for non-professional as well as professional church musicians .
24 Make provision for flexible working
25 However , despite the setbacks , the game bounced back after the Second World War and , in a similar way to the developments in France and Romania at the turn of the century , it made inroads into Soviet universities .
26 McCuaigs made whisky at Upper Cragabus ; one at Torrabus used to belong to Coal Ila ; and someone distilled at Ardinisle .
27 He made money by charging people to look at his coffins .
28 These make products from imported oil and grain .
29 Increasing calls from both sides to end domestic feuding and make resistance to Japanese encroachments a priority were resisted by Chiang until 1936 , when he was kidnapped and briefly detained by Chinese troops from Manchuria in Xian .
30 The association of ideas made fondness for Gentle sound like another disease , but he did n't comment on it , merely made arrangements to pick up Klein the following evening and put down the phone , plunged into a deeper trough than ever .
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