Example sentences of "make [noun] [prep] different " in BNC.

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1 The metal ring attached to the vibrating receiver was cheap because one of the users made rings of different sizes by cutting up little sections of copper piping of different-sized bore .
2 The following examples show how teachers have watched children make use of different materials in spontaneous activity .
3 Other literacies make use of different convention and may , for instance , without any loss of clarity for those who know the rules , not mark sentence boundaries at all .
4 Police surveillance made communication between different groups difficult , while separate circles and indeed individuals were acutely suspicious of submitting themselves to any centralized underground authority even in the interests of ‘ the cause ’ .
5 As an illustration , he notes that despite the many differences between industrial relations under communist systems in certain countries such as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia , and those under the capitalist system in Britain , the emergence of the shopfloor representative in the workplace as a crucial role-player is common to all , albeit making representations about different issues .
6 The hypothesis about the importance of making connections between different strategies will be extended to the learning of mathematics , and also to the teaching of children whose intelligence is normal but who have specific difficulties with reading and with mathematics , the hypothesis being that these children fail because they do not make a strong enough connection between different strategies .
7 Lindblom argues that policy-making under incrementalism takes the form of ‘ partisan mutual adjustment ’ , referring to the practice of making choices among different alternatives not on the basis of a particularly rigourous evaluation of the ‘ best ’ means to achieve a desired ‘ goal ’ .
8 Children — Care proceedings — Family proceedings court — Local authority seeking care order in terms agreed by all parties — Justices conducting full hearing — Justices making order in different terms from those agreed — Whether full hearing appropriate — Whether parties entitled to be heard on proposed variations of agreed order
9 This informs the therapist whether their intervention is effective , and enables them to make comparisons between different types of therapy .
10 The multiplicity of readings that the law permits is not its weak-ness but its strength , for it is this that makes room for different voices … . ’
11 It is possible to make dulcimers of different sizes and shapes but this does affect the sound produced .
12 it helps children to make sense of different situations and different points of view in role-play and simulations , by allowing them to act out situations and formulate things in their own words ;
13 It helps pupils express emotions and explore personal feelings : it encourages them to make sense of different situations and different points of view , to practise negotiating successfully with others , and to cope with — and resolve — new situations .
14 Such knowledge would be useful not just to enable us to forecast when the revolution might happen , but also in helping us to know how to make choices between different versions of a particular technology , and how to organise work to operate that technology .
15 Then there are the difficulties that both practitioners and policy makers face in utilizing research which is often focused on one particular field or issue when in reality , they have to make choices between different options .
16 Here the problem is one of balancing an administrative body 's need for substantial discretion to make choices between different courses of action and the desirability of giving the courts power to intervene to prevent the discretion being exercised contrary to the intention of the legislature .
17 The main research method will be experimental : volunteers will be recruited to make choices between different chances of winning or losing small sums of money .
18 The High Court has upheld the VAT Tribunal decisions in the cases of Briararch and Curtis Henderson , involving properties used , or to be used , to make supplies of different VAT liabilities .
19 Moreover , though individuals may differ in the weight they assign to various aspects of a job , most individuals are prepared to make trade-offs between different sources of satisfaction .
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