Example sentences of "get into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the players left the field after a game at Bury , Speirs and a Bury player got into a violent argument , and when the Leeds players reached their dressing-room they found their way blocked by a hostile crowd of home supporters .
2 And then came the night his whole world had collapsed , the night he 'd got into a drunken brawl in a harbour side bar and punched a major in the mouth .
3 I do n't think Lewis er thought Stone was capable of doing this you know and he 's got into a great situation there .
4 At a Conservative party meeting on 28 August , Amery noted that Horne ‘ on the whole agrees with me that we have got into a considerable mess and that the great thing is to extricate our people as soon as possible , ’ while Hailsham in his speech ‘ supported entirely what had been done but trusted that it would not last longer than two months — whereat loud cheers ’ .
5 It 's my proudest achievement to have got into the Irish Times .
6 The Pic du Midi has long had an observatory on top , a very substantial structure indeed and occupied since I 88 I , after the scientists who started it had got into the arduous habit of spending their winters up here in a small hotel .
7 Hitler and his panzers were sweeping all before them , they had got into the low countries and were heading for Britain .
8 ‘ And he could have got into the other parts ?
9 Course when Walsall were promoted , they had n't got into the European systems then it was very much the old five forwards three halfbacks two fullbacks and a goalkeeper in those days , the , the laundry was there , in those days when they were in the second division .
10 But six years after qualifying he became a partner in Price Waterhouse and somehow never quite got into the pure consultancy side .
11 After some talk , six men stayed on board , and the others , with Silver , got into the small boats .
12 That doctrine of notice has got into the Common Law in one or two places , e.g. in the law about the sale of goods in market overt , and in the law of negotiable instruments ; but , broadly speaking , whenever you have got rights which depend upon notice , you may be pretty sure that you are in the sphere of Equity .
13 It 's thought the burglar got into the shared house in Divinity Road in Oxford through an open window .
14 Then John Gielgud opened in a Barrie play , but he had only got into the third act when the siren went .
15 And with all those people stacked up in X-ray , cheek by jowl , rubbing their short , white dressing gowns together , the plates were bound to have got into the wrong envelopes .
16 She had got into the wrong train .
17 ‘ They made me feel like … some species that had got into the wrong time slot .
18 They could n't have got into the main part of the school .
19 So , after some discussion , Gay went home with the board and Sausage , while Breeze got into the big cream-coloured car .
20 The speaker was an ambitious young graduate , seeking accelerated promotion and not pleased at the notion he might have got into an accident-prone unit .
21 What this meant in practice was that we overplayed the Health Service , we underplayed almost everything else , and then got into an awful muddle over proportional representation .
22 Five minutes later they were two up when the home defence got into an awful tangle and Denver was at hand to shoot home .
23 Once you have got into an improvising state of mind almost any piece of furniture will begin to develop potential .
24 One day a subaltern got into a first-class railway carriage and found sitting there a ‘ coloured gentleman ’ .
25 I 'd tell you like a shot if we ever got into a real jam .
26 He got into a good crowd , people that thought like he did .
27 At another party , this one held by Gloria Swanson , silent screen hero Norman Kerry got into a drunken argument with director Marshall ( Mickey ) Neilan .
28 Cilla Black once got into a shouting match at a charity show when she tried to cry up her beloved Thatcher and met with voluble consumer resistance .
29 All right then yeah , like I was saying I got into a massive argument with him last night I had an argument with Osman , right
30 Edward left Windsor Castle and got into a large black car .
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