Example sentences of "get through the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He not only got through the first round but he reached the final again !
2 and said that Christopher was on interview and er if he got through the first part to the second part he would in the afternoon he would give us a ph a ring , erm but he , by ten to two he had n't phoned so she assumed he was on his way back having
3 As Henry got through the front gate , number 60 went back up the street towards his wife and number 47 dropped , suddenly and dramatically , on to his knees in front of the red Mitsubishi .
4 You got through the still ai n't you ?
5 ‘ Aye , yesterday ! ’ she exclaimed accusingly , seizing on the distraction when his words finally got through the strange fog in her brain .
6 How she got through the next day , she could n't remember .
7 She does n't know how he got through the main doors and an electronically operated gate to get in to the courtyard where the car is always left unlocked .
8 You know , I was on the phone to a customer for fifteen to twenty minutes because they 'd had a bad experience and I was actually making an appointment for Roy to go in and that twenty minutes is a long time , and I think really if anything , it 's just brought to me really , , how little time sometimes , it 's not always the case , it does vary , that , depending on the incoming calls , depending if you 've got got through the emerging paperwork for whatever reason , how little quality time perhaps you do actually spend on the phone , making outgoing calls to sell .
9 Now I 've got through the first round , it 's taken the pressure off me a bit .
10 Delete this reference , point four does not apply to access by telephone , take up Carolines point that we need for access when we 've got through the other continuous a brief statement which says , the project planning procedure does n't totally apply until .
11 Surely this strong sun would have got through the thin wall of her stretched skin and warmed the baby .
12 We are obviously aware of the need for capital expenditure but fortunately we have got through the big capital programme in advance before the , the current which the treasurer may wish to comment on of the county 's overall capital programme , of which er of course there are , there is competition from other committees .
13 This may not be feasible where there is a very large number of candidates , but if people have got through the original application forms stage of selection it will be worth making an effort to see them in person .
14 Do whatever you like , I 'm not saying go out and buy War and Peace , because you know , if you do n't , if you 're not into the habit of reading , you pick up War and Peace , and by the time you get through the first page , you say who are all these people ?
15 Officials who get through the qualifying round will be able to compete against the best in the world and there will also be prizes by British divisions .
16 I think the moon must have got up and a few silvery shafts were getting through the small fanlight .
17 At that hour a cab would be ages getting through the twisting streets of the old city and across the Thames to Rotherhithe .
18 ''' That was exactly what the average person called on to make self-criticism thought : all that mattered was getting through the ritual humiliation , and then going for a drink .
19 In the euphoria of getting through the first night , Charles had forgotten how much concentration that effort had taken , and found it difficult to get back the rhythm of his lines with the A.S.M. The sleepless night and the excesses which it had incorporated did not help , either .
20 Now she and her colleagues , Fiona Burrell and cookery writer Prue Leith , have assembled a guide to getting through the festive season , entitled Leith 's Complete Christmas ( Bloomsbury , £14.99 ) .
21 John Lowe , who donated £100 to the charity fund , said : ‘ It 's a brilliant effort , just getting through the 24 hours was an achievement .
22 seventy thousand last year , now you 're saying that even within any , I know it 's moderate inflation , but none the less it 's inflation , er , you are only making available , did you get through the seventy , I mean , were they applied for ?
23 If it could not be consumed or made to serve a useful purpose , then it did n't get through the front door .
24 yes they ca n't get through the front door
25 There was no time or energy for anyone to do anything but get through the long gruelling hours and fall into bed , usually after midnight and on the night before the opening , at three in the morning .
26 The double glazing should be well sealed , because air can get through the smallest space , and with it will travel the sound vibrations .
27 They crashed through their set as if they were in a competition to see who could get through the most songs in the shortest time , sounding like an unrehearsed version of the group Charlie and I had seen in the Nashville .
28 ‘ And now , ’ she said happily , ‘ I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden . ’
29 Shots came from every side of the stockade , hitting the wooden house , but the bullets did not get through the thick walls .
30 She would get through the next few days of being in the same house as Piers and then she would leave , and she would somehow get through the rest of her life without him .
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