Example sentences of "get back to her " in BNC.

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1 She could go down into the town centre and look at the shops , have a cup of coffee somewhere , get back to her mother-in-law by four .
2 Once she 'd had the baby , she immediately set about getting back to her ‘ normal ’ weight , even though that weight was so low that her body could not function normally .
3 She was over it , and gradually getting back to her old self .
4 There was a strange , reflective note in his voice , but she scarcely heard it , too intent on getting back to her room .
5 The 16-year-old English Schools champion , who has recovered from a knee injury , is gradually getting back to her best form and her target is beating her own British record of 42.9 secs recorded at Crystal Palace last season .
6 Liza did not know how she got back to her billet , only that she had bicycled so fast and furiously that , as she flung herself on her bed , she thought , grimly , that if anyone had reason to miscarry at that juncture it was she herself .
7 When we got back to her cottage she put her hand in her bodice and pulled out a string with her key and a whistle attached to it .
8 Julia was dreaming again when Comfort got back to her bedside and her skin felt hot and dry .
9 She must concentrate hard so she could report in full detail when she got back to her eager students .
10 When she got back to her room , she bolted the door with fumbling fingers , then paced round and round .
11 She got back to her flat to find the phone ringing .
12 She gathered information all morning ; taking accurate measurements and soil tests , pin-pointing particular features or specimens on her plan , even photographs to remind her for when she got back to her drawing-board and began designing .
13 By the time Rachel got back to her office , Nina was alone .
14 ‘ His back 's healed and the fever 's gone , miss , though he 's still not himself , ’ Jess said , wishing she could get back to her work and the oblivion of the kitchen .
15 How could she get back to her own world ?
16 ‘ Come in , Anne , ’ Mrs Redmond urged , but she said she must get back to her mother .
17 Now , her mind at rest , she could get back to her sketches .
18 Like the dancing man said , she had to get back to her Mum and Dad .
19 As soon as she was done , the girl sat up and returned the favour hurriedly , obviously eager to get back to her book .
20 And why raise the subject now , just when she wanted to get back to her own office to quell the bewildering inner turbulence which had disturbed the past few minutes ?
21 But she would be relieved to get back to her own bright flat again , going about her normal Saturday chores .
22 ‘ Look — ’ now she was finding it all but impossible to get back to her feet , and the embarrassment of having him witness her futile struggles was fast becoming unbearable ‘ — I 'm quite happy just to potter about by myself here ; you really do n't have to hang around me . ’
23 I reckoned it would take her three or four minutes to get back to her flat , but maybe it was n't a good idea to hang around the neighbourhood .
24 She had wanted to get back to her hotel and away from him but , first , he had insisted on driving her out into the wilderness , and now he had marooned them .
25 ‘ I think I was dreaming , ’ she mumbled , and , all at once feeling no end foolish , she looked up , wanting to apologise or something , but mainly wanting to get back to her room with some kind of dignity .
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