Example sentences of "get on a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , she went and got the Deputy Head and she was a bit upset about it , and then after that our biology group was chopped right down , more or less cut in half , and most of the boys went somewhere else to do their biology while the rest of us stayed with that teacher and we got on a lot better then , you know .
2 'Cos , like , just 'cos you 're gettin' on a bit does n't mean you ca n't wear fab gear an' pull groovy chicks an' that .
3 And er when you 'd got on a bit you delivered the baby but the midwife was there to see you did n't make any mistakes and , and really to t teach you to do it .
4 Mum and I get on a lot better these days .
5 However , having carelessly left the shed unlocked , our mower and strimmer were stolen and , as we are both getting on a bit , we decided we would take up the lawn and put down gravel instead .
6 He was getting on a bit , transferred in to the Mounted .
7 Mr Jagger responded by saying , ‘ Poor old Bill 's getting on a bit now , you know .
8 NOW that 's he getting on a bit , Eric Clapton is steering clear of his flashy Ferraris and Alfa Romeos .
9 ‘ He was getting on a bit , was n't he ? ’
10 They were getting on a bit when I was born . ’
11 I ca n't believe Mel is the player he was two years ago and he must be getting on a bit now , but we have still got Ray Wallace just incase I s'pose .
12 She says you have to be brusque with them because they 're getting on a bit , you know .
13 ‘ He is getting on a bit , he is going grey round the whiskers and has a milky white coat .
14 No Er the girls sort of say things like perhaps ask her , Do you have any We could get on a bit more so they do n't include themselves in what they 're going to do .
15 Well think , if you concentrated on that a bit more instead of just doing it any where in the air you might get on a bit quicker .
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