Example sentences of "get at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Look , what you 've got at the present moment , Private Nobody , is a badly sprained ankle .
2 And the bill he , that he gets at the same as the time as the delivery , and what 's normal credit conditions ?
3 Even worse , some think public relations stands in the way of getting at the real facts .
4 The pondering , the getting at the absent Stavrogin , proves successful ; many acute observations buttress the central ‘ lukewarm ’ truth about him , and analysis spills over into the notebooks where Tikhon 's God's-voice function appears at its clearest .
5 But getting at the right information , and making sense of it , is increasingly difficult .
6 July the first more members er in , in , in local authorities than er than we 've got in the whole of our union right and we 've got twenty five per cent of our membership in , in local authorities and we 're getting hammered and we 're also getting at the same time privatization , we 're seeing local authorities being broken up and we 're seeing a creation of large numbers of employers .
7 And what we 've done now , and with colleagues from Germany , is to take cores off north west Africa , say about twenty metres down into the sediment , we sample them in the lab here and took the small amounts of sediment and examined them for these long chain compounds and we were extremely excited to see that as we went down this core , back through the last few hundred thousand years , we could see our signal on sea surface temperature oscillating about roughly in the same way that er has been found with other methods of getting at the past history of the climate .
8 The result is as many blank pages as Ventura can build into the current chapter and you ca n't get at the tagged block of text to de-select it !
9 At least , that 's the feeling I get at the best of my poetry-reading moments .
10 Given the substantial gap in standards between Scottish club rugby and the international arena , the Scots , who do not play their next game until February 3 , clearly need all the match practice they can get at the highest competitive level .
11 The ceilings were so low that one wonders how anyone could get at the carding machines to clean them .
12 If you have to make a supply decision , how do you get at the necessary data ?
13 No , the only way the Seven could get at The New Hope would be to try to blow it out of the sky from below .
14 No , they it 's the council collects it and in Uttlesford , that 's why I said we should get at the same time an Uttlesford councillor because I would
15 As an advocate of the STV has observed , if an MP is " forced by the system to spend his working hours worrying about the number of first-preference votes he will get at the next election , and many of his sleeping hours dreaming about them , he or she will work harder than ever for constituents ' "
16 Furthermore , and perhaps more importantly from the point of view of answering the sceptics , even though we can not directly get at the hidden real natures of things , perhaps our knowledge of appearances will enable us to do so indirectly .
17 Maggie sat at the table , thinking that she did n't know about the proposed camp but could n't wait to get at the promised bathing facilities .
18 Those who want to get at the frozen part of their savings in the old currency will have to buy new currency from the central bank , at auctions where it will cost them well over its face value .
19 The sandstone was quarried here at first , but later mined when this was found to be more economical than removing the ‘ overburden ’ — the rock and soil which has to be dug away in quarrying to get at the useful strata .
20 To enable us to get at the real reasons for lending decisions and influences upon those decisions , we decided to adopt a different approach from any previous research … ‘
21 I point out the empty ‘ shells ’ of others on the grassy cliff-top , and explain that this is the work of the local great black-backed gulls , who seem to enjoy cracking open these echinoderms ( which are really modified starfish ) to get at the small amount of ‘ meat ’ inside .
22 There are a large number of living species that are predators , some species using the modified radula as a kind of poison dart , others employing it to bore neat , perfectly round holes through the shells of prey ( often bivalves ) in order to get at the nutritious interior .
23 Erich Honecker , for instance , continued demolishing villages in East Germany until the end , but only in the relatively rational quest to get at the dirty sulphuric brown coal underneath them to provide inefficient and polluting fuel for his tottering smoke-stack industries .
24 The bones are of antelopes , gazelles , hippopotami , pigs and other animals , and many have been smashed , presumably to get at the nourishing marrow ; some even show marks of cuts , inflicted by a stone tool when the bone was still fresh .
25 It should not be possible to get at the dangerous mains wiring without using a screwdriver or other tool .
26 ‘ Buzzing , ’ he replied , turning the couchette over to get at the narrow bed .
27 Consuelo had taken them out to get at the anti-inflammatory tablets for the patient with the sprained ankle .
28 To get at the true explanation we must concentrate on the fact that the bureaucracy 's ‘ particular functioning is not directly determined by its class membership , by the political functioning of those classes and functions from which it originates : it depends on the concrete functioning of the state apparatus , i.e. on the place of the state in the ensemble of a formation and on its complex relations with the various classes and fractions ’ .
29 The next definition , which we formulate from a desire to get at the fundamental building blocks as far as multiplication in Z is concerned , is intentionally unconventional , introducing , as it does , a familiar concept in an unfamiliar way .
30 The goldfinches pecked neatly and precisely : The snow buntings burrowed energetically , discarding dead stalks and leaves with a quick flick of the head ; then dug deeper to get at the hidden seeds , their busy movements leaving visible impressions .
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