Example sentences of "get you [adv prt] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Not you I 've got you on there already .
2 If we had n't got you up here pretty quick you could 've lost it , you know . ’
3 I said well she 's got you up there now that 's why , I said and they fact now do wrong she 's fed up looking after your kid .
4 Margaret I 've got you down as absent Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday last week .
5 One of our men will take over until we get you back here .
6 It just starts getting you down eventually … .
7 They 'd never get you down here . ’
8 They ca n't get you down there .
9 we should get you down there .
10 It does get you down actually .
11 But if yo if yo let it get you down then you do n't .
12 That 'll get you back here by the fourteenth . ’
13 It 's one that we can perhaps put a bit of pressure on if we issue an application for you by getting ACAS involved and seeing whether ACAS can either get you back there or er get you a compensation off them .
14 ‘ We 'd better get you back as soon as possible , ’ said Grimma .
15 That 's why I said to get ma ba , get you back then .
16 He said , ‘ I 'll get you out tonight , ’ and he gave me some of his stuff — black polo-neck , black pyjamas .
17 then people can er get you out easier .
18 Right , well you 're not going to be on a constant training course otherwise we 'd never get you out there selling .
19 Read this little name fifty fifty engine it just does n't get you along very good , does it ?
20 There 's a meeting on and the chairman has asked me to get you up here to the boardroom . ’
21 His knowledge of classical music was very comprehensive — you only had to sing him a snatch of any symphony or concerto and he would be able to identify it immediately , but this is n't sufficient to get you up there in front of a hundred or more qualified musicians and be able to lead them into the opening bars of Beethoven 's 5th , or even the Warsaw Concerto .
22 ‘ Do you realize , it has taken me two whole years to get you out here ? ’
23 We 're going to get you out now ! — Here , look , catch this .
24 I have been plotting all morning how to get you back again .
25 No , I mean it 's , it 's nothing , I rang erm Social Services this morning in Northampton and I got an appointment for an advisory thing on Thursday morning , erm , the women I 'm going to see she retires on Friday , she said well I 'll have to get you in quick , erm and she , they advise you on the , what you 've got to do to get into what I want to get into you see , so erm I 've got that to sort to do , I mean
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