Example sentences of "so large [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , is it feasible to deliver so large a quantity of hydrocarbons to the required point ?
2 Rogelio Ramirez de la O , a Mexico City economist who was ridiculed by the government last year for predicting so large a deficit , now says that a big peso devaluation ( of perhaps 15% ) is four months off .
3 Never before , as the Banks put it , had the arguments in favour of limiting the size of the family been presented to so large a public .
4 We pioneered the technique well before it became used on so large a scale by giants like American Express and Reader 's Digest .
5 As Federation secretary she was much involved in arranging Saturday lectures , concerts , jumble sales , theatre visits and suchlike for the branches : ‘ these would probably be arranged by the Federation officials without me , but perhaps not on so large a scale ’ .
6 Not only was the Psittacidae the first volume ever to concentrate on a single species , it was , as Lear himself maintained , ‘ the first complete volume of coloured drawings of birds on so large a scale published in England , as far as I know — unless Audubon 's were previously engraved . ’
7 When so large a part of modern politics , above all in America , is concerned with policies which an insight into the psychology of envy would reveal to be inherently futile , it is perhaps not surprising that the study of that psychology has been instinctively or deliberately neglected .
8 HOW did Grigori Yavlinsky , an economist who works as informal adviser to Boris Yeltsin , come to play so large a part in the aid-for-economic-reform debate ?
9 My main objective , however , was to see the regalia of St Stephen which have played so large a part , albeit symbolic , in Hungarian history and which have gone on such varied walkabout .
10 The top of the ‘ face ’ then runs along the Kuril Islands to Japan , staying always on the ocean side of these chains — down through the Marianas — Saipan , Guam , Palau — to a point just east of the Spice Islands , which played so large a part in the saga of Magellan and his attempted circumnavigation .
11 Government incentives , both in the North Sea and in most other parts of the world , are designed to ensure continuous ploughing back into exploration , because after all , that is the basis for the future prosperity of the country , taking , as most countries do , so large a part of the ultimate revenue .
12 Perhaps he was contemplating his own life with Vivien here just as , when he connected McKnight Kauffer 's death with a sense of " the void " , he was once again returning to his own feeling of emptiness which had played so large a part in his religious conversion .
13 Richard was the youngest man ever to be made Head of so large a school .
14 One advantage of so large a hall was the inability of all but the most vocal heckler to make himself heard .
15 The Psittacidae , he always claimed , was ‘ the first book of the kind drawn on stone in England of so large a size , & … one which led to all Mr Gould 's improvements . ’
16 This was so in Bedfordshire , for example : in 1952 the District Council carried a motion deploring ‘ the withdrawal of the services of a full-time officer of the WEA from Bedfordshire when so large a proportion of branches in the area are so recently formed and still in need of assistance and encouragement that only a full-time organiser or tutor-organiser can give ’ .
17 Only the Lithuanians accounted for so large a proportion of the population of their own republic , and the measure was widely seen as blocking rather than facilitating a transition to fully independent status .
18 Erm , in these days when er , so large a proportion of marriages breaks down
19 that nowhere else shall we find so large a mass of inhabitants crowded into courts , alleys , and lames as in Nottingham , and those , too , of the worst possible construction .
20 ‘ My collections , I am happy to say ’ he wrote , despite his own and prince 's fears , ‘ have all arrived in safety and I can now scarcely tell how so large a mass was got together in so short a time . ’
21 It is difficult to account for so large a change in terms of a decrease in effective moment of inertia due to a change in the shape of the crust of the star , because for a rotation rate of 30Hz the equilibrium ellipsoid has a moment of inertia only 10 -4 greater than that of a sphere .
22 That is quite an assignment for any historian in under 500 pages , and it is not Sir Ian 's fault if the reader often feels short-changed by being obliged to travel through so large a landscape guided always by the same question : what was the role of ‘ popular violence ’ in all this ?
23 According to Alcuin the oppression of the Church by the secular power had been for some time a feature of Northumbrian political and ecclesiastical life , but the problem now was that Eanbald was said to be accompanied on his journeys through Northumbria by a retinue more numerous than any which had attended on his predecessors and inclusive of low-born soldiers , and Alcuin affected to be at a loss as to why he needed so large a force .
24 He found that 51.96 per cent of those in ‘ primary poverty ’ were so because the chief breadwinner was ‘ in regular work but at low wages ’ ; 22.16 per cent of primary poverty was due , in modern terminology , to ‘ child poverty ’ , i.e. the family had more than four children and insufficient income to support so large a family ; 15.63 per cent to ‘ death of chief wage-earner ’ ; 5.11 per cent to the illness and old age of chief wage-earner ; 2.83 per cent to ‘ irregularity of work ’ ; 2.31 per cent to unemployment .
25 Having said all this , if your home is centrally-heated , one heater , perhaps not even rated for so large a tank , should suffice , and in practice it will rarely be on , when your home heating is .
26 As John Kenneth Galbraith writes in the January 1990 issue of The New York Review of Books : ‘ Not before in our history have so many strong influences united to produce so large a disaster as in the the current case of the savings and loan disaster : bureaucratic inadequacy and incompetence , perverse ideology , money in large amounts for political protection . ’
27 The bomb-bay of a Mosquito was too small to accommodate so large a bomb , and they had to carry them slung underneath the fuselage with the bomb doors open .
28 Its grounds were small for so large a house , no more than two shrubberies dividing it from its neighbours , and at the rear a stretch of lawn with trees ran down to a fence .
29 A subdivision of so large a province may well have seemed desirable in purely pastoral terms .
30 Not having to pick their way carefully now they were able to cover some thirty hilly miles that day , good going for so large a party of horse , even mosstroopers .
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