Example sentences of "so much [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , Bede had a direct influence on the Carolingian renaissance of the ninth century through his pupil Egbert , who became Archbishop of York and trained Alcuin , who under Charlemagne founded the Frankish schools that did so much to stimulate learning on the Continent .
2 In dividing behaviour into inherited and learned , he was not so much trying to explain how behaviour develops as how it comes to be adapted .
3 There seemed so much to remember to take when you first take a baby out !
4 There are many rumours that people in other countries are reproducing test-tube fusion , but in American government labs they are getting nowhere ; however , many people do not believe them and assert that the big laboratories are seeing the phenomenon and keeping quiet because the oil companies with so much to lose have bought their silence .
5 They were tired but unwilling to abandon themselves to sleep , so much had happened , they had come so far , left so much , found so little , were so far from what they had been .
6 Later she was to think how little she was prepared for the simple events which were to change her life completely — indeed she would have said that so much had happened to her already that any further incidents must be minor , a judgement which could not have been more faulty .
7 She knew she was being ridiculous , but so much had happened back there in that elegant house , so many unexplained emotions had swung through her mind in such a short space of time , and she felt so wound up , so confused by it all .
8 Luce tried to think back , but so much had happened .
9 Since leaving the train at eleven o'clock that morning , so much had changed in her life that Constance felt dazed .
10 but you wanted so much to have seen it
11 One example : black churches , which organise services from financial credit to remedial education , carry enormous influence in poor black neighbourhoods , and offer the kinds of local leadership that Mr Kemp so much wants to nurture .
12 She added : ‘ We just ca n't take in the fact that a life with so much to offer has been suddenly ended .
13 " So much seems to have happened while you have been away .
14 They 're offering a gift , you know … the fact that each one is a piece of work , so much has gone into it that it 's something very special , and I understand that it 's very nerve-wracking for them to offer it , to perform it …
15 That so much has survived , despite Lanfranc 's hostility , is due first to the tenacity of the surviving monks , and then to the encouragement given to them by Anselm .
16 ‘ Mediocrity seeks to endure by every means , ’ he said of these lions , and in a country where so much has disappeared the lions remain , unferocious , glum , like doped circus animals .
17 So much has taken place in so little time , it is hard for us to really grasp the rapid pace of development .
18 I know that it has only been a couple of weeks but my word , it does seem longer , and so much has happened to you , has n't it ?
19 ‘ I know I am only 20 , but some days I feel about 30 so much has happened to me . ’
20 We have not made any far-reaching contingency plans for after 1997 ; indeed so much has happened in China in the last two years that has shifted the mood from gloom to optimism ; today Hong Kong is a booming economic zone and is regarded as the mediator between the Western and Chinese economies ’ .
21 So much has happened since then . ’
22 So much has happened , these past six months . ’
23 Since I last wrote them , so much has happened .
24 Oh my darling , I am too happy and excited to be able to write all the things I want to say to you , so much is crowding in , so much has happened in such a short while and I want to pin down some of this marvellous feeling before it all rushes by and becomes more accepted — because , Betty , I do feel that we accept each other , there is a tolerance , a straightness between us that makes it all possible .
25 She said : ‘ I still ca n't believe so much has happened .
26 ‘ After all , so much has happened to us both in the last five years , has n't it ?
27 So much has changed in the life of the farm worker , especially the nature of his work ; yet so much , as we shall see , has remained resistant to change .
28 So much has changed , Yuan .
29 So much has changed , but for many women writers that cry is eternal .
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