Example sentences of "so as you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Fig 51 When you place the weight over the back foot the tail will submerge , so as you step on to the board lean forwards placing weight through the front arm on to the mast foot .
2 So as you step out clad in a combination of pillar-box red and shocking pink , do n't leave your face behind in last year 's colours .
4 So as you get older , your potential to earn increases Now in this case , because age is increasing and income is increasing , I E they 're getting bigger together , it 's said that there 's a positive correlation In the case of reaction time and intelligence quotient , as reaction time gets bigger I E gets worse I Q increases , so in fact many people would say that their in I Q and R T are negatively correlated in the sense of as your I Q gets better , your reaction time gets worse .
5 So as you get .
6 eight o'clock so as you get a good rest .
7 So as you said the danger is that it 's not balanced for our delegates and the ideal is that we want the combination of all four .
8 So as you come up to a roundabout , you 're thinking of the exit or exits .
9 So as you come up on the approach side , think position .
10 So as you come in raise the daggerboard , lift the rudder and then when you come into shallow water , turn the boat up towards the wind to lose power for the sail and stop before you hit those rocks .
11 The original dispersed development strategy ended up with a shortfall , something like two thousand dwellings , compared to the sites which had been agreed between the various authorities at the time , it 's also worth noting that that was based on a dwelling target of nine thousand one hundred for Greater York , I think that 's correct , over the period since actual sites which have been agreed between the authorities since then have clearly increased , so as you 've seen in my appendix eight the residual requirement has now been reduced to a a level of nine hundred and forty seven .
12 Now he 's become sixty five so as you remember he qualifies for the larger age allowances , he qualifies for the larger married couples allowance , so his total allowances are of course considerably increased by the fifteen hundred pounds .
13 Then you 'd quarter it , quarter it off , you see , then carry it down to the shop so as you had some beef in the shop on show in four quarters .
14 Mark them down with your knife down the back down here , you know , right down so as you had a mark .
15 So as you know the American one collapsed and of course were thirty million pounds .
16 So as you watch Manchester United and Nottingham Forest battle it out on the box in the Rumbelows Cup final this afternoon , be aware that technological advances and television 's equivalent of the newspaper circulation war are about to transform coverage of the game beyond all recognition .
17 And er I used to go myself quite a lot er when there were well when there were more than one coming up I 've seen me go into , down in the pullman train from here to er , well we had about five changes I think , fat father had it all marked out so as you changed at a certain place .
18 Yeah so as you say it 's a it 's a developing thing and the only
19 So as you say years at I 'm
20 And , ’ I went on as he tried to interrupt , ‘ so as you do n't get lost if the sun goes in , you can paint the trees as you go with luminous paint .
21 So as you do n't ask me to get the so and so 's down .
22 So as you feel happier with that , you 'll b more able to play with them .
23 So as you see it 's not a boring job .
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