Example sentences of "so [subord] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You know , Frank , ’ she said , ‘ I 'm going to take a great delight in telling her , much more so than facing up to the big boy himself , because she it is who has paved the way for all this . ’
2 So if end up squaring a number and get a negative answer you 've got it wrong !
3 Also , the cells move so as to take up new positions .
4 It controls the ray-gun so as to give out a flash every second . ’
5 I became numb again to discomfort to a useful degree and plodded on methodically taking continual bearings , breathing carefully , aiming performance just below capability so as to last out to the end .
6 parents should always arrange if possible for their children to see old people of marked interest in their lives , so as to carry on the links of tradition …
7 After Mrs Wordingham 's death later in 1989 , Mr Wordingham applied to the High Court for rectification of the will under s 20(1) ( a ) of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 , which states that ‘ if the court is satisfied that a will is so expressed that it fails to carry out the testator 's intentions , in consequence — ( a ) of a clerical error … it may order that the will shall be rectified so as to carry out his intentions … ‘ .
8 The user also needs to know the operations that can be applied to the relations so as to carry out the desired retrievals .
9 Congress alone has the power to decide whether the present laws can or can not be amended so as to carry out more effectively the objects of law .
10 The need now is to foster the diversification of the rural economy so as to open up wider and more varied employment opportunities . ’
11 ‘ I studied marketing in Singapore so as to branch out from accounting to marketing .
12 Jaq wondered how much effort of will it had cost her to resist ultimate , engulfing pleasure so as to gasp out a question or two to her tormenter and enchanter .
13 Geophysical work in the core programme has been focused on interpreting existing datasets , particularly so as to pick up evidence of underlying structural controls and increase our three dimensional understanding of the crust .
14 He thought doggedly of Carol so as to blot out the image of Helen 's sad face that seemed to have become imprinted on his mind .
15 It was to meet cases of this kind that Equity invented the great remedies of specific performance and injunction : specific performance to compel a man actually to do what he has promised — to give you the land in return for the money , to pay you the purchase money in return for the land ; injunction to forbid him to do what he has promised not to do or what he has no right to do — to forbid him to open the public house or the music-school , to forbid him to build so as to block up your light , even to compel him to pull down the objectionable wall ; the last sort of injunction is called mandatory .
16 It is also a good idea when keeping cichlids together , or with larger fish , to decorate the aquarium in such a way so as to set out individual territories so each fish can establish its own personal niche
17 The evidence from elsewhere in America and Britain is that exhibitors increasingly took the masses for granted and were always investing in better and better cinemas so as to hang on to the more respectable lower middle-class audience .
18 After all , how else can alignments of physical objects be calculated so as to lie along propitious meridians , save by reference to more fixed and less mutable properties of the earth ?
19 As the clients relaxation skills develop the exercises may be combined so as to speed up the process of relaxation .
20 You need to send your teacher to the top of the building so as to speed up his watch .
21 I let go of the beam and dropped with bent legs so as to splash down softly and felt the breath rush out of my lungs from the iciness of the river .
22 Father Moore is only a brief visitor ; he has called in crisply to pay his respects , exchange a few words of banter with Patsy ( also a brother-in-law of somebody ) , and to inform Siobhan that next year he will be personally heading a pilgrimage to Knock so as to ward off any unfortunate flukes of the road .
23 Lawrence then supposes that bristles grow so as to point down the concentration gradient .
24 If bristles then grow so as to point down the local gradient , they will produce exactly the pair of vortices that were observed ( Figure 14d ) .
25 As soon as the Shivah days of deep mourning were over , Mrs Neumann converted her small front parlour into a shop selling basic foodstuffs and domestic items and set up a camp-bed for herself in a corner of the kitchen by the range so as to rent out the two attic rooms to lodgers .
26 Another example , using the technique of redefining the problem and using the above situation , may be for the counsellor to suggest that the intention of the father 's behaviour was to place the daughter in an untenable position so as to break up her marriage .
27 Is there a real distinction between turning off a respirator and letting Dr Carrington die , and injecting him so as to bring about his death ?
28 These Labour local authorities were developing conscious efforts to alter local economies so as to bring about long-term economic development , through job creation and job enrichment , for the benefit of local workers and the local community .
29 ( iv ) Teachers should discuss a variety of works so as to bring out the range and effects of different types of sound patterning , eg alliteration , assonance , rhymes , onomatopoeia , and of figures of speech , eg similes , metaphors , personifications .
30 If the map can be represented in raster format ( Chapters 2 and 5 ) then image-processing operations can be used to enhance the map image so as to bring out linear features more clearly , and automatic line-following algorithms can be employed to generate the numerical coordinates of points along the lines .
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