Example sentences of "so [vb base] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cos I 've got a bit er my blood 's a bit thick round the scar so disperse the blood .
2 So bring the file and the food to that wooden shelter over there , early tomorrow morning , if you want to keep your heart , that is .
3 If the government remains determined to reduce unemployment to U* , it will have to increase the rate of growth of the money supply even further and so push the inflation rate to 8 per cent ( at point G ) .
4 Thus there has to be some mechanism that would eliminate the very large effective cosmological constant and so change the rate of expansion from an accelerated one to one that is slowed down by gravity , as we have today .
5 And then we decided not to go to the Hanover Fair , so change the specification so that it could be a a versatile sort of display for whatever we wanted to display .
6 The horse that forgot about the tiger that lived in its lair at the bottom of the hill , or at any time disregarded the danger , would very soon become the tiger 's dinner , and so lack the opportunity to pass on to future generations its genes for a poor memory and a low threshold of fear .
7 And if that 's not enough , any design emanating from a music paper or magazine might appear to expose some underlying editorial stance , and in doing so raise the question of impartiality ( or partiality ) .
8 Some areas of moorland have been ploughed deeply to break the iron pan and so make the soil suitable for ‘ crops ’ of coniferous trees .
9 Slight irritation can swell the skin and so make the pore openings look less obvious temporarily .
10 It is important for you and your baby 's health that you are regularly examined throughout your pregnancy , so make the effort to keep your appointments .
11 So make the storyline move .
12 Should one turn away weaker candidates , and so lose the university income , or admit them , with the possibility of academic , cultural , and pastoral problems ensuing for several years ?
13 Our other research has shown that some adults would prefer not to take up a full-time course and so lose the income from a full-time job .
14 The others lack the faculties to stay in sport and so lose the option to form a stable relationship with the coach .
15 This expression originated with the anthropologists , and refers to the possibility that the researcher will become over-involved with the people being studied , and so lose the detachment that is an essential part of the participant observer 's role .
16 ‘ So if the hoped for vatable activity is tagged on to an existing business the Customs and Excise or the Tribunals , may refuse to accept the activity as a business and so deny the VAT registration , ’ says .
17 These demonstrate the basis upon which Stalin seized Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania and so undermine the legitimacy of continued Soviet rule .
18 One asks whether we are now seeing tools being fashioned which by some future , perhaps less scrupulous , Government may be used to weaken the independent administration of justice and so undermine the rule of law .
19 So say the heart , like that , gathers no dust
20 Only the cones can distinguish between different wavelengths and so provide the brain with the information necessary to colour the scene .
21 The nip of alcohol causes the blood vessels to dilate and so warm the skin and make us comfortable in spite of being out in the cold .
22 Prejudice , such as that exploited by Tupper in Cardiff in 1911 , became mixed with self concern — the belief that Asiatic crews would work for lower wages and in worse conditions than British , and so undercut the union 's effort to improve both in the British seaman 's interests .
23 If you would like a tiled bathroom or kitchen floor , but have been put off by having to solve the problem of tiling over a wooden floor that could flex and crack , and so shift the grouting and loosen or even split your new ceramic floor tiles , then the answer could be the new Schlüter DITRA matting , available from stockists of Homeslux Products .
24 Abortifacient contraceptives , embryo experimentation and abortion itself deny the principle of the sanctity of life from conception onwards and so pave the way for euthanasia .
25 Barbecues vary , so test the food yourself before serving .
26 The consequence may well be the forms of bureaucracy that so occupy the attention of administrative reformers .
27 This needs emphasising to patients , as some on diet alone quickly learn that they have glycosuria after meals so solve the problem by testing the urine after the overnight fast or before meals .
28 So forget the tick lists , lower your sights and next time the high tops are covered in thick mist seek out a few of these miniature mountain gems .
29 Sometimes the volume quoted by the manufacturer is wrong by as much as 25 per cent , so press the salesman to confirm that the volume is at least 200 litres .
30 His new art attempted to represent instead the underlying idea and so transcend the pseudo-reality — which is in fact precisely what traditional art , in its own way , had always done .
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