Example sentences of "so [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Like many consumed by a powerful love , he has been searching since not so much for a replacement as an alternative .
2 I have n't enjoyed myself so much for a long time . ’
3 So much for a career as a burglar , though I can understand why it might appeal . ’
4 It do n't cost so much for a Sunday dinner .
5 so much for a little work .
6 I would n't say there was much between the two teams apart from the first half here this afternoon when United , I have n't seen United dominate a side so much for a very long time , and really , I mean you were here Peter , three or four nil at half time would not have been a bad reflection on United 's performance in any way at all .
7 Not so much for the platform speakers , who have arrived , but for some of the floor speakers , who have n't and would like to .
8 It was this western part of Czechoslovakia that Hitler was so keen to get his hands on ; not so much for the Pilsener lagers , but for the Skoda machine plants and the iron and coal resources of Western Bohemia .
9 ‘ This tournament would mean so much for the entire country , in terms of tourism , resultant job creation , and even other industry , ’ he said .
10 The 1958 war is remembered now not so much for the vicious sectarian battles that occurred in Beirut but for the arrival of the US Marines , who stormed ashore only to find the beaches occupied not by militiamen but by bikini-clad ladies and street urchins who were merely waiting to sell Coca-Cola to the country 's latest rescuers .
11 So that 's tutor time at Kidminster Green ; so much for the school prospectus eh ?
12 In fact , your whole life is going to change so much for the better you will be amazed !
13 In the past , they had a handsome lifestyle , but few of them have new projects to pursue ; all they can do is sit on their hands , rueing the day they paid so much for the land they were keen to build on .
14 And thanks ever so much for the clothes , honest .
15 From a very early age we discover that some children are better at drawing , speaking or running than we are ; so much for the myth that we are born equal .
16 We were two and a half hours over guidebook time : so much for the armchair boasts of perfect stamina !
17 Well so much for the sea surface temperatures of the past , but we 've been looking at our records of the compounds in the sediments even more carefully and what we 've seen in there are molecular fingerprints which do not match those of the marine organisms .
18 The Practical Application : So much for the theory behind digitisers , what about a version for the Spectrum user ?
19 So much for the bliss of rural life , ’ snapped the superintendent , as she slumped back into her seat , her nose wrinkling .
20 The ladies ' K4 was significant not so much for the Germans and Hungarians in the first two places but for the Chinese who took the bronze , their first ever World medal .
21 Dearest Ma Thanks so much for the parcel .
22 He adores feeding , not so much for the food , but for the sucking experience .
23 She said , in a funny , plummy , prim voice , " Thank you ever so much for the lift .
24 And I do n't think if you 've got it out of the Guilds and say now we 've got to have so much for the rent this week I do n't think I would have a Guild very long , because they can go round the corner .
25 Which you tend not to do so much for the shorter ones .
26 Hackworth was one of the great pioneers of the steam locomotive and the eminent railway engineer , D. K. Clark , stated that no single individual had , up to the year 1830 , done so much for the improvement of the locomotive .
27 If they , they got they got piecework or they got th th the , they get either piecework or they get so much for the job so much , an hourly rate for the job .
28 He had expended himself so much for the people Eva made the long journey to his funeral as a mark of respect .
29 Thanks so much for the supper . ’
30 These words sum up her intention and feelings , expressing the result of two years of preparation for a show that came to mean so much for the many artists participating in the event .
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