Example sentences of "so [adv] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It is this , the economic dimension of disablement , that the perspectives we have considered so far so conspicuously fail to address .
2 I wonder why the right people are so rarely asked to help until it 's too late ?
3 The Toraja acquire them through inheritance , but they are still " free souls " , and often become richer than their masters — since they are not so rigorously required to re-distribute their wealth .
4 Colleagues , if this government is so blatantly prepared to sell out its own workers in such a public manner , then there will surely be no limit to the steps they will be prepared to take to further reduce union power .
5 Perhaps it was selfish of me , I so badly wanted to put a live baby into Celia 's arms — ’ Her mouth quivered slightly and she turned away .
6 Sometimes I understood a few words or phrases ( ‘ Japaner nicht gut ’ , ‘ Demokratie ’ ) but on the whole it was a hopeless conversation just because he so badly wanted to get his meaning across to me .
7 That comment under-estimates the growing interest which shareholders are beginning to take in the wider responsibilities of the companies they invest in ( eg , support for arts , education , health , environment or indeed anything which contributes to an increase in the quality of life ) , and its cynicism can only alienate the executives whose involvement in their companies ' patronage we so badly need to encourage and applaud .
8 Without any apparent break in the text and without any change of tone in my voice I got out some of the things I so badly needed to tell you .
9 They feel terrible and so perhaps decide to try twice as hard tomorrow .
10 Does the Turkish occupation , or anything that has happened since , explain why Greeks so much prefer to earn their living in the little , man-to-man operations of the service sector ?
11 But so much seemed to have changed … and Joe would make a much better ally than an enemy , if only he could accept the situation as it stood .
12 ‘ I do so much want to congratulate you and your parish on the televised celebration of your Mass for the Feast of Christ the King yesterday .
13 Rory had always thought of Hamish as a sort of ponderously eccentric fool , and Ken a kind of failure because he had so much wanted to travel , and instead had settled down with Mary , stayed in the same wee corner of the world as he 'd been born and raised in , and not only raised his own children , but chosen to teach others ' , too .
14 But they so much want to help themselves . ’
15 ‘ I so much want to try again .
16 The adaptation of linguistic terms like mood and of rhetorical terms like ellipsis is not so much designed to construct rigid parallels either with language or with rhetoric , but rather is itself a rhetorical device for freeing narrative from any referential interpretation .
17 Not now , not when there was so much left to discover .
18 I was surprised that he so eagerly sought to confront me .
19 Many persons will have their own particular reasons for gratitude to him , and everyone will so warmly want to wish him well for the new place in life which awaits him back in his own native diocese of Liverpool .
20 Ascott , there 's a race meeting there tonight and the Police tell me that it 's chock-a-block , so obviously try to avoid that if you can .
21 She drew back , rejecting this warmth that was so obviously designed to undermine her determination .
22 For all his long hair , bandeau and earrings which made him look like a weedy Viking , Terry Gill was a very ordinary young man , and pathetic ; pathetic because he so obviously wanted to amount to something and had no idea what .
23 He felt she was about to laugh aloud and he wanted to join her , his every thought consumed with the miracle that had so suddenly happened to bring Ken back to them .
24 So basically have to plan who we 're going to invite to this party .
25 From October , with the birth of the British Athletics Federation ( BAF ) , British athletics should finally give the sport the constitution it has for so long struggled to devise .
26 ‘ I 've spent so long trying to block it all out .
27 In one of these early lessons he was very lucky in his teacher ; Miss Public House took him home on one of his first nights — she who usually never could be bothered — and in one exhausting night Miss P taught him everything he knew about how to make love without getting hurt or hurting anybody ( remember that in those days we were still getting used to the idea and still elaborating our repertoires of what you could and could n't do , which was very hard for us , for me anyway , since we had spent so long trying to forget the very word could n't ) .
28 ‘ I was imprisoned and held captive by the very forces I had so long sought to perfect and that I had honed and polished until they were stronger and more glittering than anything ever known at Tara .
29 The foregoing review has been necessary to demonstrate what now seems almost unbelievable ; that physical geography for so long contrived to ignore the significance of human activity and thence the potential which associated studies afford .
30 He opened his eyes again and saw a vision of the land of milk and honey to which he and a small band of pioneers led by their Rabbi had for so long planned to emigrate .
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