Example sentences of "so [pers pn] just [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 yeah , great , thanks for these , er yeah so I just rung , I was gon na get Jo to go out and get a , buy a paper
2 I was glad I 'd said it so I just kept my head down and played on .
3 So I just kept on my way , letting then all come along for the ride , while I hunted for confirmation of what I suspected and feared about Gharr .
4 Mrs Murchie added : ’ I did not know what to do so I just kept talking to her until the ambulance arrived .
5 And like I thought I 'm not gon na look up in case he goes for me or something , so I just kept my head in the pillow and pretended the light was blinding me oh ha ha cos when I get you alone what ?
6 So I just kept them , but I thought
7 So I just played off the monitors .
8 I would n't go to a doctor there because of this malignant thing so I just managed till we came back
9 so I just walked off and walked calmly by them .
10 So I just made up a face , drew it for them .
11 They 're not on letter headings and so I just thought they might be
12 So I just thought of my granddad .
13 he was out moaning again yesterday , so I just thought it was getting a bit long round where the old septic tank used to be oh sha n't and we 've done Tesco 's so that clock 's right is n't it ?
14 So I just thought she 's gon na yeah if it was out of the question she could have said oh no that 's it , there 's a flat rate so I
15 I 'm really , really bored so I just thought seeing as I 'm on my own I 'd just tell you some slang erm for teenage languages .
16 So I just took that as a good example .
17 So I just took off .
18 What , when I went down for , so I called back later , about half an hour later and she was awake so I just took her then .
19 They 've got a spare room in my mum 's flat so I just took it over and put a weights bench in and , what else , a rowing machine and I started to do some weights
20 So I just went off quietly to run my bath , a sad and disappointed old man .
21 So I just went and told my sister .
22 So I just went home . ’
23 So I just went I knew I did the only thing that I knew I could do .
24 and as we 're right up towards the end and now after the bank holiday we 've had lovely fine weather anyway , we got off to the main road and turned at Fibwell traffic lights onto the A twenty one and we got the to end of the dual carriageway onto the tail end of the queue as it started into the road works so I just went over the central reservation and went back down the dual carriageway to the traffic lights at
25 He cried for put him on the bed , could n't do no college work so I just went to bed and left him .
26 Oh , I was n't and erm , the next thing I know I 've nearly fucking been bowled over , sort of the bags in fucking look behind me , so those two fucking bought the bags back down fucking legs and I 've just caught this like running round another , another thing , I thought oh fucking little kid , the next thing I know there 's another one gone pass me like , taken the bags , the handles out of the plastic bags , fucking and it was a girl that was going first this time , so I and sure enough there was a little fucking brat boy coming again , so I just went flying he sort of looked up at me and rubbed his eye like that and carried on running after the .
27 So I just went up , big handful , pulled 'em out , give them to her .
28 So I just folded my saris and put them away .
29 We erm , given that you have to do , okay , I did n't brief them as fully as I could of , and half way through I looked at it again just to make sure I had n't missed the bottom line that said , you know stand on your head instead in the park , so I just had a little read .
30 Other night we had bacon and egg and I did n't fancy it very much so I just had two slices of bacon and one egg and made a couple of sandwiches out of it .
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