Example sentences of "so [conj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The former assumption says that language behaviour in the classroom has to be natural so as to conform to the naturalness of language use : the latter assumption says that classroom behaviour has to be natural in conformity with natural processes of language learning .
2 How might the non-fatal offences be reformed so as to conform with the principle of fair labelling ?
3 However as late as 1668 another Roman , Mario Savioni ( c. 1608–1685 ) brought out a book of five-part Madrigali morali e spirituali , explaining that they were to be sung each at the end of one of his previously published Concerti morali and adding that he had ‘ taken care to unite together the aria and the madrigal so as to conform with the character of the concertos ’ .
4 Being lower in rank than the founding treaties , the provisions of Community legislation must be interpreted so as to conform with the provisions of the treaties , and they may be annulled if they are incompatible with them .
5 The constructed index is transformed so as to move from 0 in 1970 Q4 to a peak of unity assumed to be reached in 1989 Q4 .
6 Sam said to me thoughtfully , ‘ If you had n't stopped me , I 'd have rolled up the curtain so as to go into the dock in a boat , and all that stuff under the water would have slithered away into the river and no one would have been any the wiser . ’
7 If ; when your parents begin to draw a National Insurance retirement pension , they go on working , or their former employer is paying them a pension , their code will need to be changed so as to take into account the National Insurance pension .
8 Rates developed as a direct tax on an individual 's income levied so as to take into account his or her capacity to pay .
9 He is therefore prepared to countenance a reduction in his real wage so as to stave off the threat of dismissal .
10 Assume also that the trustee of the trust is a wholly owned subsidiary of Newco resident for tax purposes in the Channel Islands , so as to fall outside the definition of a collective investment scheme for the purposes of the Financial Services Act .
11 ‘ In the Court of Appeal considerable doubt was expressed by that court as to whether an absolute prohibition on the import of a particular description of goods could amount to a quantitative restriction or a measure having equivalent effect , so as to fall within the ambit of Article 30 at all .
12 Alternatively the retained profit could be deducted from a calculation of the profit and loss account balance carried forward so as to arrive at the profit and loss account brought forward .
13 His project is to discover the series of computations that the visual system performs on the input-pairs so as to arrive at an interpretation of the ( 2-D ) array in terms of ( 3-D ) replacement , motion , or change .
14 He thought to take Mr gross salary in the present financial year , to reduce it by a third to get from gross to net earnings and to do similar calculations for the rest of the three and a half years so as to arrive at the figure of fifty three thousand nine hundred and six pounds .
15 It was winter and we made an early start , travelling the seventy-odd miles in darkness so as to arrive with time to tackle up and be fishing as the last dregs of darkness dripped away .
16 She trotted off again , through a really insalubrious area known as Bligh 's Corner , after some landlord , long dead , and she unconsciously quickened her pace a little so as to arrive in the relatively respectable square where the rectory stood , next door to St Jude 's church where Dr Neil 's household worshipped every Sunday .
17 What we have in ( 5 ) might be improved in a number of ways so as to deal with questions and indeed objections , and thereby complicated and indeed greatly complicated .
18 ‘ It is submitted : ( i ) the judge erred in law in his ruling on count 1 ; ( ii ) for an offence to be committed under section 1(1) of the Act there does not have to be the use by the offender of one computer with intent to secure unauthorised access into another computer ; ( iii ) there is no ambiguity in the wording of section 1(1) ( a ) of the Act which clearly refers to an intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer ; ( iv ) section 17(2) and ( 3 ) are applicable to the alleged actions of the respondent in this case ; ( v ) the Act has been drafted so as to deal with the person who misuses a computer to which he has direct ( but unauthorised ) access , as well as a computer into which he is able to secure indirect access by operating another computer . ’
19 The vital phrase is ‘ any computer ’ at the end of section 1(1) ( a ) and the Act has been drafted , it is submitted , so as to deal with someone who misuses a computer , whether he accesses it indirectly by using another computer , perhaps in other premises , or whether he accesses it directly , as happened in the present case .
20 Firstly , the 1971 and 1976 directives need to be modified so as to deal with certain procedural weaknesses and to close the loopholes which member states have exploited .
21 ‘ … the main idea is that social phenomena are seen as existing in relation to each other , and continually developing in and through such relations so as to form at various phases contradictory forces that generate qualitatively new formations .
22 A company of porcupines crowded themselves together one cold winter 's day so as to profit from one another 's warmth and so save themselves from being frozen to death .
23 Gilding , normally done by taking powered gold mixed with mercury to form an amalgam , was painted onto the surface and then heated so as to drive off the mercury .
24 The courts will , however , avoid constraining a statute so as to dispense with a hearing completely .
25 The Legal Aid Act 1979 , extended the scope of legal advice and assistance so as to include within the ambit of the scheme , ‘ assistance by way of representation ’ ( ABWOR ) at certain designated proceedings .
26 ( 2 ) The Panel accepts that for reasons of secrecy it is not prudent to make enquiries so as to include in an announcement details of the target 's shares held by other parts of an adviser 's group ( the adviser acting in concert with the offeror for these purposes ) .
27 Railways are a type of transport that fall easily under central control , and whose construction may even intensify political centralism , because of the rationality of disposing lines so as to converge at a central point .
28 The blanching process is an automatic version of the usual home method ; the almonds are dipped in boiling water and then forced between two rubber rollers , once again set so as to squeeze off the skin without damaging the nut .
29 The company 's account was , accordingly , in April 1987 transferred to the Woolwich branch so as to continue to be supervised by Mr. Tucker .
30 They should discuss the best way of monitoring loan arrangements within the company so as to put in place a control system to avoid these problems .
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