Example sentences of "his [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 He picked up the phone — his own for a change — and rang her in a state of anger .
2 ‘ He is putting on weight and picking up his strength and can sit up on his own for a couple of seconds .
3 Zoophilus had not been able to acquire a copy of Vial 's plan but he put forward a plan of his own for an animal hospital , for a regular set of teachers forming a school , and provision for receiving living subjects in various states of disease .
4 The boy was going to the boxroom and was clearly excited at possessing a room of his own for the first time .
5 It was impossible for him to have escaped on his own for the door was secured by a wedge , pushed through a hasp to hold the hinged staple in place .
6 And Gooch advised him to put England 's needs before his own for the winter tour of India .
7 And the issue was still very much alive , for here beside him , listening alertly and with a dry little smile , was the earl of Leicester , who , whether in earnest or in mischief , was urging a plea of his own for the same prize .
8 He had a date of his own for the foundation of Rome , made direct enquiries about the Penates of Lavinium , described the ritual of the October horse in the Campus Martins , attributed the introduction of coinage to Servius Tullius , etc .
9 When they first interviewed Sykes , on Monday this is , he told them he was staying at a cottage in the Lake District entirely on his own for the first two and a half weeks in September .
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