Example sentences of "his [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This … ’ said Tom Kean carefully , reading the paper again to convince his brain as well as his eyes , ’ — is General Robert E. Lee 's orders to his Commanders for the battle … we 've found their plan of action wrapped round three cigars . ’
2 When those efforts failed , Arnulf turned to Becket , trying to persuade him to moderate his views for the sake of ecclesiastical unity .
3 It was infuriating that she should need this arrogant cynic who only had to snap his fingers for the world to leap to attention , anxious to please .
4 Agrippa introduced them , ushering them to seats , clicking his fingers for the servant to serve them wine and sweetmeats .
5 ‘ Acid ! ’ he cried after consulting his notes for the one hundred and thirty-ninth time .
6 Further argument was profitless when he started shuffling his notes for the judgment which he would , in almost every case , deliver without hesitation or correction as soon as counsel sat down .
7 And his notes for the course on lyric ( prepared in the spring of 1869 ) show him devoting ten times more space to the dithyramb , of which next to nothing had survived from antiquity , than to the epinician , the kind immortalized by Pindar and the only kind that had survived in any bulk . "
8 By Friday she had arranged everything to Rob 's satisfaction , although as she handed Luke his notes for the meeting in York she still had some reservations about his reaction to his brother 's methods of expressing gratitude .
9 STAKIS STRONGMAN Stakis chairman Sir Lewis Robertson tells of his plans for the group
10 ANDY ROXBURGH , Scotland 's national coach , spent last night anxious over the availability of Steve Nicol , the Liverpool midfielder-defender central to his plans for the crucial World Cup match with Norway on Wednesday .
11 ANDY ROXBURGH , the Scotland coach , spent last night worrying about Steve Nicol , the Liverpool midfielder-defender who is central to his plans for the crucial World Cup match with Norway on Wednesday , writes Patrick Glenn .
12 Andy Roxburgh , the Scotland coach , spent last night worrying about Steve Nicol , the Liverpool midfielder-defender who is central to his plans for the crucial World Cup match with Norway on Wednesday .
13 His letters from Oxford in his third term , after gaining the Lincoln History Exhibition , are much shorter , less introspective , and full of details about his writing , his plans for the future , his increased reading but , above all , his growing friendship with MacAlister who felt that ‘ his intimate outpouring to me was something of a comfort to him ’ .
14 Larsen talked enthusiastically about his small team of volunteer divers , about their finds , about his plans for the museum .
15 It was dominated by three things ; the Emperor 's desk , a vast filing cabinet , and a large-scale map of Paris — the latter being essential to his plans for the transformation of the city .
16 Between now and the early spring he will continue to consult people and build up his plans for the crucial meeting with ministers .
17 Coleridge 's first meeting with Tom Poole lasted less than a day , but in that short time Coleridge was expansive both on the subject of himself and his plans for the future .
18 There was at least a proviso that she should be asked for her written consent before the company was set up but otherwise she was not mentioned in his plans for the future of the schools .
19 What are his plans for the future ?
20 Speaking of his plans for the future , Mr Tait , a former secretary to the Scottish Institute , told ACCOUNTANCY : ‘ We will be continuing with our international strategic plan .
21 He ploughed on , trying to outline his plans for the paper , and engage Sutton 's attention .
22 He walked me slowly out to the garden gate — a kindly old man , more interested in his trees and his plans for the palace , his rowing and his cycling than in the ruder demands of his people for democracy and good government .
23 We did n't discuss his plans for the day , only mine , and those I presume are hardly of interest to you . ’
24 Mike ‘ Tubular Bells ’ Oldfield shows off his plans for the world 's first outdoor pizza
25 Frank Stella forced to withdraw his plans for the Groningen Museum
26 In one room Frank Gehry has designed an installation outlining his plans for the Bilbao museum , a series of soft-shouldered , interconnecting shapes arranged in a sort of artful pile .
27 Wim Beeren , the Director of the Stedelijk museum in Amsterdam who , in the face of deafening criticism , has always defended the restoration , admitted that Goldreyer did not bother to inform him in time about his plans for the last phase of the restoration in which the painted surface was to be treated .
28 He was his own man and he made this clear immediately with his policies and his plans for the future of motor sport worldwide .
29 Inconvenience — the trials are liable to require the teacher to distort his plans for the course in order to accommodate the new material when asked .
30 She tried to smile more , to talk to him about his fishing and his plans for the future .
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