Example sentences of "his [noun] from the " in BNC.

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1 The line obviously comes from some lost ballad telling the story of how Child Roland went to Elfland to rescue his sister from the wicked King , a monster-legend , a Theodoric-story .
2 Mr Bates hopes to finalise a deal that will reduce his payment from the asking price of £22.85 million to £13 million — and mean Fulham moving in at the end of this season .
3 For decades yet , whether it be in Newcastle , London , Los Angeles , Sydney or wherever , I fully expect to see , or hear of , his rising from the audience at the end of someone 's lecture with ‘ I just happen to have this slide here , which illustrates …
4 Bakhtin himself extends his concern and his enthusiasm from the novel — a particular form existing within a definite historical period — to a more extensive novelistic discourse of which the novel itself is only one historical development , a development which , in its complexity and ‘ polyglossia ’ , most fully realizes the potential of the genre .
5 There were attacks on Heseltine 's temperament and suitability for office , instancing the occasion on which he had waved the mace in the House of Commons and also the manner of his resignation from the Cabinet over the Westland affair .
6 Jean Monnet was appointed as the president of the High Authority , and his resignation from the office in June 1955 was the only occasion before the setting up of the much broader European Economic Community in 1957 when there was a change in the membership of the High Authority .
7 His growing disillusion with Mosley in the later 1930s led to his resignation from the movement and the collapse of his revolutionary faith .
8 Anything he pioneered , created or evolved for the series , up to his resignation from the BBC in 1964 , was owned lock , stock and barrel by the Corporation .
9 It is not Nizan 's allegiance to communism which must be interpreted in the light of his resignation from the party .
10 It is his resignation from the party which must be interpreted in the light of his allegiance to communism .
11 On 10 December 1939 he remarked ominously that Andre Chamson had informed him that " a storm was brewing in Aragon 's mind " By 5 February 1940 , in the grip of a persecution complex , he was voicing fears that his resignation from the party would be publicly perceived as an act of treachery that had finally laid bare his " inner soul " .
12 " I find peace of mind acceptable only in winners and in those losers who have exhausted every means at their disposal , and who have peace of mind despite being losers " , noted Nizan in October 1939 , one month after his resignation from the party . "
13 Financial troubles marred these years : fear of arrest for debt probably motivated his flight to the Continent in November 1777 ; his resignation from the army in May 1780 may likewise have been prompted by such troubles .
14 It was also the occasion of his resignation from the Society of Friends .
15 There charges of corruption were successfully brought against the vice-president , and in November 1629 his resignation from the office was forced .
16 He Jingzhi was confirmed as Acting Minister of Culture , following the acceptance of his resignation from the NPC Standing Committee .
17 Following his resignation from the CMC on Nov. 9 , 1989 [ see p. 37040 ] , Deng Xiaoping addressed the commission on Nov. 10 on the role of the People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) for the following year .
18 Angel Sanchis , a former treasurer of the conservative Popular Party ( PP ) and a parliamentary deputy , announced his resignation from the party on May 7 after the emergence of a financial scandal .
19 [ For his resignation from the CPSU in mid-August , and his warning of an impending coup , see p. 38368 . ]
20 In a statement announcing his resignation from the CPSU after its central control commission had recommended his expulsion because of " actions contravening Party statutes and leading to a schism in the Party " [ for Yakovlev 's leadership of the Democratic Reform Movement see p. 38347 ] , he said : " I want to warn society that an influential Stalinist clique has been formed within the leading nucleus of the party , which is against the political course of 1985 [ the year of Gorbachev 's accession ] …
21 Attorney General Dick Thornburgh formally left the Cabinet on Aug. 9 , after a federal appeals court ruled on Aug. 6 that a special election should be held on Nov. 5 to fill the Senate seat of the late John Heinz — although Thornburgh had made known his intention to contest the vacant seat , his resignation from the government had been deferred pending a judicial examination of the constitutionality of Pennsylvania 's special election statute .
22 Similar allegations had caused his resignation from the Cabinet in December 1990 [ see pp. 37828 ; 38109-10 ] .
23 Following his arrest Abe announced his resignation from the LDP but stated that he would not resign from the Diet .
24 Veteran politician Ezer Weizmann announced his resignation from the Knesset on Feb. 4 .
25 Tedjini had met with Marchand during a brief visit to Paris on that day , but the report of his resignation from the HCS was immediately denied by the Algerian ambassador in Paris .
26 He had been the Land Minister President in 1971-82 in Schleswig-Holstein , where his resignation from the federal government was expected to be a factor in elections in early April .
27 He gave in to the pressure on Oct. 14 when he announced his resignation from the Diet , a move which sparked a fierce struggle for the leadership of the 110-member Takeshita faction .
28 His resignation from the National Executive had drawn attention to the difference within the Labour Party on foreign policy .
29 as if that were not enough , the Department of Trade and Industry is still trying to have him disqualified as a company director for his role in the collapse of Homes Assured — a move which forced his resignation from the chairmanship of Lonrho in 1991 .
30 Above : Sid views the crux with Gordon eyeing his progress from the stance .
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