Example sentences of "his [noun] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The the He was the old teacher and he and his sister never spoke anything else but the Gaelic .
2 It was obvious that his enthusiasm never left him time to concentrate on eating .
3 It was a part of his creed never to give way to these emotions .
4 Once he 'd mastered sufficient English to use it without thinking , he surged forward , but his handwriting never improved .
5 But though his mind was , and remained , romantically anti-Establishment , at once Catholic and mildly left-wing , his fiction never seemed impelled by any serious desire to alter the social system of a nation from which , after the war , he was willingly an exile , and his arguments concern rather the writer 's alleged duty to refuse all favours from the state — even ‘ the bourgeois state ’ , as he calls it — and to live in romantic independence , royalties apart : surviving ( in Joyce 's famous phrase ) by silence and cunning .
6 Why did his hair never seem to change ?
7 His boat never returned from its trip , nor was the Hooper ever seen again .
8 Those who should have been his supporters never did .
9 However , even after several years , his paces never regained the natural , easy , long-stepping flow they had had as a paddocked youngster ; and his personality could be kindly described as awkward , and certainly was n't to be trusted .
10 A dazzled junior seized the opportunity to press tea on them both , his eyes never leaving Catherine , and McLeish , amused , accepted a cup .
11 This time he continued on across the grass until he had almost reached the summerhouse , then turned and came walking slowly back , his eyes never leaving the ground .
12 He took her hand and raised it to his lips , his eyes never leaving her face .
13 ‘ I want him involved , ’ Plummer said , his eyes never leaving Hitch .
14 Fael-Inis was perched on the edge of a chair now , his eyes never leaving the dark-eyed figure of the Lad .
15 Foreman shook his head , his eyes never leaving the coroner 's .
16 He nodded thoughtfully , his eyes never leaving her face .
17 For a second the count just stood there and then he came slowly across to them , his eyes never leaving Maggie 's face until he was close .
18 Benedict drew a hissing breath , and pulled up his horses , his eyes never leaving hers .
19 He felt a sudden sharp impulse to look to his left , but controlled it , his eyes never leaving the Empress .
20 Seeing that she was awake , fitzAlan sat forward , resting his forearms on his thighs , his eyes never leaving her face .
21 He passed his hand slowly and deliberately through the fire from the nearest torch , his eyes never leaving the woman .
22 Jake dropped the heavy paperweight into the palm of his other hand , his eyes never leaving hers as he did so .
23 Guido spoke quietly , his eyes never leaving the other man 's face .
24 He raised his hand to stroke the soft skin of her cheek , his eyes never leaving hers as she stared blindly back at him , her pulses seeming to almost race out of control .
25 While he had been talking the urgency of his hands on her body had increased , his thumbs moving up to softly circle the tips of her breasts , his eyes never leaving her face , as if he was carefully gauging her reaction .
26 Then softly , his eyes never leaving hers , he said , ‘ I think we 'd better join the others . ’
27 He shrugged , his eyes never leaving her face .
28 Slowly , his eyes never leaving her face , he reached behind her and undid the closure of her gown .
29 Nicolo stirred , leaned away from the wall , walked slowly forward , his eyes never leaving Caroline .
30 At last , slowly , victoriously , his eyes never leaving hers , he granted her wish .
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