Example sentences of "his [noun] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl remained on close terms throughout his life : his early letters to her and to a Salzburg cousin , Anna Maria Thekla ( ‘ the Bäsle ’ , as he called her ) are full of juvenile high spirits , spiced with an earthy , often indelicate sense of humour , while his later letters to his sister show a touching solicitude for the state of her health and spirits .
2 His epithets include The One Who Dispels Darkness , a reference to his appearance as the light which preceded the sun as it rose .
3 Slim informed him that ‘ he and his amy have no legal status ’ .
4 We therefore warmly invite all fellow members and students who are able to reach the venue to hear Anthony McDermott , the editor of the World Trade page of the Financial Times , give us his views form the ‘ pink ’ world of the most famous and possibly reputable financial publication in the world .
5 The poses come as pauses at the end of each sequence , the dancer then changing position before beginning a new phrase , as if the guitarist were resting his fingers fur a moment .
6 The touch of his fingers set every nerve-ending on fire .
7 Of course seeing Lampi playing the Stick is akin to watching someone play a strapped-on portable piano ; his fingers tap the strings almost like Stanley Jordan .
8 The appeal of St James , and his influence , became for a space immense ; his cockle shell a great mark of prestige and spiritual hope worn by successful pilgrims , or those who wished to be thought so , for centuries to come .
9 Whereas the satiric intentions of Divorce Italian Style were pointed and comic , Alfredo Alfredo gets unduly preachy as Dustin and his mistress join the four-year fight to change the Italian law on divorce .
10 His notes blanket the sheet of paper .
11 Twice the Devil has been decisively defeated by God , but his strategies remain the same .
12 Mr Hancock preferred to let his money do the talking .
13 Marlowe 's will to move from unprofound drama is perfectly personified in his play Tamburlaine the Great .
14 Historians who bring as much enjoyment and illumination to their readers as Trevor-Roper can still conjure up in his essays deserve the historical profession 's thanks as well as its envy .
15 According to Ananov , his plans include the foundation of a major jewellery house in Russia matching Fabergé in scope .
16 While Pratchett sits atop the humorous fantasy pile , two more pretenders to his throne get an outing this month .
17 When they got back , Lucier was sitting in a chair outside the door of the house , watching Alan and his sons batten the church weather-vane to the corner of the little pageant .
18 Lorenzo with his Jessica await the return of Portia , remaining out in the still night rather than returning to the house .
19 Suddenly there 's a crash at our upstairs door because the Alsatian has hit it , and his claws scratch the paint with a sound like he 's skinning a rabbit .
20 My next concern in this strange new land was how did Dr. Bach , when wandering the lanes near his cottage know the vibes that each flower , plant or tree emitted .
21 His Mum shut the door and there was darkness again .
22 His Mum shut the door , pulling the curtain across .
23 It pleases him to have his camp display the signs of Mars rather than those of Venus .
24 His orcs use a kind of gunpowder at Helm 's Deep ( II , 142 ) ; thirty pages later the Ents meet at Isengard , or ‘ Irontown ’ , a kind of napalm — perhaps one should say with closer reference to Tolkien 's own experience , a Flammenwerfer .
25 The missiles can be fired only if the operator types into his computer control a six-digit code , called a ‘ permissive action link ’ .
26 Some of his methods recall the past .
27 His pictures represent a new departure in post-Conquest English manuscript art , hitherto largely confined to decorative initials .
28 His words end the scene , and taint all that has passed :
29 His words constitute a fervent expression of faith in a new creed , a new political and social system , a new kind of literature which together have a rejuvenating and energising capacity that stands in marked contrast to the corruption and dissolution of a decaying , moribund capitalist society .
30 His words cast a pool of silence .
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