Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Flexing his fingers so that they popped with the cold , he looked around tensely .
2 And , warm with dancing , he pulled off his jewelled hat , so that the brown hair fell free , and opened the close-pearled band of his doublet so that his throat might be bared to the air .
3 By December that year , James II had lost almost all his support so that he was forced to flee the country when William of Orange landed with his forces at Torbay .
4 To hasten this process , Bakewell rented out his bulls so that their performance was proven elsewhere before he used them in his own herd .
5 The Russians played along with this charade and gave Blake similar information with which to impress his superiors so that the arrangement appeared to be working in favour of MI6 .
6 A huge lump of misery welled up into his throat and he stiffened his jaw so that he would n't disgrace himself by crying .
7 He had also developed such affection for his owner , and had become so possessive of her , that if he saw her stroking another horse , he would roar with rage and throw himself sideways against the nearest fence , cutting and scraping his skin so that it bled .
8 Burns will tell his board today that the Sports Council wants a non-voting member watching over the way the cash is spent .
9 He is rarely out at night and is largely free to organize his activities so that in bad weather , for example , he can catch up on paperwork in the dry and warmth of the office .
10 It was in his camp here that he was approached by a French envoy on behalf of Duke Maximilian of Bavaria , the same Maximilian who had been given the Palatine Electorate in 1623 , with a view to saving his lands from the depredations of Gustavus .
11 MICHAEL ROBERTS was cursing his luck yesterday that another South African champion jockey , Jeff Lloyd , has arrived in England .
12 Two decades later , after the clearer recognition of the distinction between insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus , Neel modified his hypothesis so that it related specifically to non-insulin dependent diabetes .
13 Where he does so the court associate must , at the conclusion of the trial , record that opinion in his certificate so that an appropriate reduction may be considered ( Ord 35 , r 10A ) .
14 Craig ran his hand through his hair so that it sprung into small curls giving him a rakish appearance .
15 He gave the impression of vulnerability by sitting with his chin on his chest so that he had no alternative but to look up through his eyebrows .
16 As Rune laughed at her discomfort she was filled with a sudden urge to fling herself at him : wipe the laughter from his face , annihilate the sudden disarming dimples which had appeared beneath his lean cheeks , seal his mouth so that the corners could n't turn so distractingly upwards at her expense .
17 He used his fingers and the stick , he scuffled food into his mouth from the pan which he held close by his mouth so that any pieces that fell from his fingers or lips would go back into the container , not onto the ground .
18 For two or three days after each beating , I was called to his study so that he could see I was healing properly .
19 He has pinned a little square of material onto both his knees so that when he drives , the fabric of his best trousers will not rub against the steering wheel .
20 The mosaic occupied much of his consciousness so that he was only dimly aware — out of the corner of his eye , and mind 's eye — of Meh'Lindi , a flexible ebon statue of herself , yet still with an ivory face .
21 Duvall was jerked away from Jimmy , spinning on his heels so that he was facing the office door again .
22 Somebody was supporting his shoulders so that he could drink .
23 He had been going to touch her shoulders with his arm , but she came towards him anyway , her head on his shoulders so that the perfume of her hair enveloped him , made his head feel light .
24 Mind you I suppose his head is erm smaller than his shoulders so that makes him like like a , sort of normal person .
25 They stood , their arms round each other , staring at the view before them , then at last , turning from the window , David sat on the bed and pulled her between his legs so that as she stood with her hands on his shoulders he pressed his head against her stomach .
26 The pavement had been much repaired , and it was difficult to synchronise his steps so that the middle of each foot fell exactly on the cracks between the paving stones , but with some concentration and a few judicious half-steps he managed it ; then he came to a long blue-grey line of asphalt where a pipe had obviously been repaired , and walked along that instead free from the worry of the paving stones between the cracks .
27 THERE has been much comment in Blackpool about the way John Smith claps his hands , elbows out from his side so that his arms form a bar across his chest , hands thundering into each other with short , sharp smacks .
28 The Gaijin who were with Sipotai had melted away from his side so that he was left alone in the middle of an escort of Merkuts .
29 He sat down next to her and the sofa dipped under his weight so that it was an effort to keep her body erect .
30 He shifted his weight so that his body brushed lightly against hers .
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