Example sentences of "we went through the " in BNC.

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1 We went through the contents of two handbags we found in the road .
2 The Cabinet committee over , we went through the connecting doors to Number 10 itself and a meeting of the full Cabinet .
3 We went through the door and into a hallway that led to the dressing rooms … .
4 Convinced that an increased dose of sedatives would be the answer , we went through the same procedure once again .
5 We went through the late take-up exhaustively before we announced our holding in December 1987 .
6 We went through the mill together , Franklin .
7 That 's what I thought the trolley sounded like as we went through the green channel .
8 Later we went through the routine of 'appel' with our clothes laid out next to our sleeping bags , and at midnight were allowed to climb into them , sodden , muddy and cold .
9 We went through the service at two in the morning .
10 We went through the New Town first , and it was bright and colourful , with the ladies ' dresses and the red roses of the Elphbergs .
11 After we went through the second door , Buff stood without moving and he looked at the trees and did n't say anything .
12 Together we went through the old laboratory and climbed the stairs to the doctor 's private study .
13 We went through the back door and into the big room where I had been before .
14 You see , when we went through the asteroid storm , I did n't watch for a few seconds .
15 I held on to his hand as we went through the gate .
16 Venner wandered off and we went through the pathetic pile of possessions : a counter-pane , three dirty bolsters , hose , jerkins , battered boots , more cheap jewellery , a collection of quills and a bar of Castilian soap .
17 We went through the proper channels with our application , ’ he said , ‘ following the pattern that was used when we ran the 125 and 250 World Championships .
18 We went through the recommendations from the report one by one .
19 We went through the motions and pulled him in , of course , but by the time the magistrate spoke to him Mayer had changed his mind .
20 Right last Friday we went through the four stages of selling .
21 Certainly er by then perhaps I forgot to mention as we went through the front door my weapon was already out of the holster and by the time we 'd got the bedroom door my weapon would already have been under er my eye level , hence literally aiming the weapon and from there the gun was out , my arm was out , whether I still had hold of P C I I ca n't recall .
22 Insp Cammish said : ‘ We went through the usual practice of trying to strike up a rapport with the person and gain a genuine sort of confidence . ’
23 We went through the situation and background , but I do n't think we did that .
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