Example sentences of "we think [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 " Well , " he said , " we think we lose a lot of aircraft , because we have been monitoring quite a — few they just disappear from the radar screen 50 miles off the coast , sometimes more , sometimes halfway across the sea if they are making a dash far Flamborough Head .
2 Well he thinks the only way that modern will accept the rule of one person rather than another is if they think they 're somehow there as a result of their own action , so we 'll only accept the rule of erm our leaders if we think we put them there and we take them back again , we put them there and can recall them and this for Barry is the only merit that contemporary democratic policy democratic erm systems that it allows us to think of our rulers as having some legitimate claim to rule .
3 We think we know a thing or two about alchemy at TWO 'S COMPANY !
4 It throws words like real and normal into question , continually challenges and subverts the things we take for granted , the things we think we know .
5 Gothic horror does the opposite : it frightens us out of our skin , discomforts us and turns what we think we know into something unreal and daunting .
6 We think we know what certain words mean , but the assumption can be dangerous .
7 We think we know it all now , and banish
8 We think we know what the teachers need and that we can give it to them .
9 We think we know who we are , though we do n't quite know why we 're here , or how long we shall be forced to stay .
10 We think we know how but we do n't know who . ’
11 ‘ And we think we 've found a Roman villa . ’
12 ‘ But ’ , Remington adds , ‘ we think we 've got a bargain . ’
13 Then , just when we think we 've really let go , we realise that we do n't want our children making just any old choice .
14 Most frequently we do this to people we are close to , and to people with whom we think we 've got a lot in common .
15 We try and slip him in on the sly when we think we 've got them hooked .
16 On whether we think we 've got anything interesting to say . ’
17 Sometime later they came back and said , " We think we 've found somebody . "
18 We think we 've harnessed it .
19 Just that we think we 've traced him .
20 A lot of employment there , and important to the local economy and we 've managed to take some important initiatives in terms of helping the pensioners in the city , crime prevention , and other issues , so we think we 've done a reasonable job .
21 Manager David Waring said : ‘ We are still assessing the damage and what was taken but we think we 've lost about 30 garments worth about £2,500 . ’
22 He said : ‘ We think we 've got a great potential that we have n't tapped in the past .
23 every time we think we 've got the full set they bring out some more .
24 But we are looking f for savings to make greater efficiencies and we think we 've found some .
25 When you 're arguing about the money to be spend on repairs , and for example the reason why we 've had to get strict budgetary control on the amount of money which is being spent on repairs , is because that money all comes out of tenants ' rents , and it 's basically a balance — if we want to increase the erm numbers and the standard of repairs that we offer as a landlord , then it has to be met by a further increase in rents , and we think we 've got the balance about right at the moment .
26 Now in this particular game it 's a limited overs game ; fifty overs a side , one side will win tomorrow er so there will be a definite result , and we think we 've got a strong side .
27 Well we think we 've put a team together , very very hard to do to get into the points limit of forty .
28 We would like to keep the ball alive , we like to keep the ball on the park and erm looking from there , we will be harrying , chasing ; we think we 've got a very good set of backs .
29 We think we serve our shareholders best if we think long-term .
30 The public infrastructure founded years ago when we felt rich patently does not deliver a quality of service we think we deserve — just at the time we realise we are not as rich as we thought .
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