Example sentences of "we are [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 We are not the party of unbridled , brutal capitalism , ’ Eden confidently declaimed at the 1947 conference , adding and never have been . ’
2 Recognition of the true self can only come about when we show the world that we accept the fact that we are not the perfect , flawless human beings we wish to portray — when we stop living a lie .
3 However , we are not the only team collecting wild cocoa .
4 When fear keeps them awake at night , parents would do well to remember that thousands of teenagers try things and then move on , that people of all ages make regular use of drugs as part of their happy , productive lives and , above all , that we are not the hapless victims of some depraved international conspiracy .
5 If we assume that we are not the proprietors but the trustees of this world and that we have a deed of covenant to honour , this at once introduces certain absolutes into economic life and certain limits on the exercise of freedom .
6 We have to remember that we are not the only people who take recreation in the countryside ; we share it with others , whose views about disfiguring a crag with bolts and taking a drill there to do it for goodness sake ! may be very different from ours .
7 We are not the maniac Moderati of the vile Imperium with their Mars-made machines — though maybe ours were assembled on fabled Mars millennia ago .
8 So perhaps it is no wonder that we are not the only ones who perceive the system as unjust , and that it finds itself with a crisis of legitimacy on its hands .
9 Bec said , rather uncertainly , ‘ But we are not the Ancient Nobility , ma'am .
10 We are not the True Line . ’
11 And we are not the best .
12 He finished up , ‘ You know , we are not the only people who are suspicious of Nigel and would attribute any crime to him .
13 Plainly by the defensive introduction that you have written in the results publication , we are not the only people wondering whether the BAIE is nothing more than a self-serving cabal .
14 When are we gon na have rules revisions , there 's a long way to go and as the , the er General Secretary said , be careful , because I 've been to talks with , on , from the Regional Committee with the T & G yes we got on lovely with them , they 're fine , they , they gave us a nice big er commemorative medal of the dockers ' strike and it 's got my granddad and my great granddad on it cos they was there in the other union mind you while we 've done all the striking and that they stood by , but nevertheless they 're not bad lads anyway and as John said we must be careful that we are not the ones that are gon na be taken over , because I remember that old song of the fifties , never smile at a crocodile
15 We are not the Government who have put 2 million people on the dole from our manufacturing industries in the past 10 years .
16 We are not the partners who must be consulted — we are now the obstacle around which the rest of Europe must find a way .
17 It was a hard job to secure that gig for them because in those days — and probably still even now — we are not the trendy band everybody wants to use . ’
18 We are not the kind of developers who drive around in Rolls Royces puffing big cigars , ’ he said .
19 Do n't give me all that about the ban from Europe , it is because of the way the game has gone in England that we are not the force we were in European competition .
20 We are n't the only men who know of this paper .
21 And that last er apo er citation was authorized by Dutch or you can blame him if we are n't the best .
22 We are both the children of peasants … ’
23 ‘ All this has made it a very cut-throat market and we are probably the most competitive company .
24 That thought is too depressing for words … player for player we are probably the strongest squad in the premier league .
25 We are just the first ones . ’
26 As I told Denny d'Arcy , the Sidcombe manager , when I rang up to say good riddance , ‘ We are just the amoeba on the European footer lake .
27 We are therefore the inheritors of this tradition whereby expertise , being concentrated , has accrued to the point now where technology allied with pedagogy can provide quite powerfully for children in need , in whatever their setting .
28 Bush ended his speech by returning to the Desert War theme and informing his audience that " We are still the freest nation on earth ; the kindest nation on earth ; the strongest nation on earth ; and we have always risen to the occasion .
29 We are still the same Russians and God is with us " .
30 The present Mayor of West Berlin , Mr Walter Momper , told the crowd : ‘ We are now the happiest people in the world , but in this hour of happiness we should remember the many dead and injured and the pain caused by this wall .
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