Example sentences of "we write to the " in BNC.

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1 Not only can we write to the Trust telling it what we like or dislike , but any ten of us can propose Members ' Resolutions at our AGM making recommendations to the Council on matters of concern .
2 So we write to the Secretary of C H C.
3 by the er Trading Association , it seems to me to be quite a sensible charter , and er I propose that we write to the Association saying this is very good and can we get it
4 Can I have your agreement that we write to the director of housing and ask for his position on it ?
5 We wrote to the minister , William Waldegrave , in the autumn of 1986 requesting the spotlisting of Bracken House — in our view ( shared by the Thirties Society ) one of the most remarkable post-war buildings in London .
6 We wrote to the AAIB asking them about this , but they never answered .
7 Before leaving we wrote to the Ministry of Defence asking if any further information was available concerning the operation in which my brother lost his life .
8 We wrote to the Trust for a permit to visit .
9 We wrote to the Guardian on behalf of the Labour Party enquiring the source of this very precise information and — not surprisingly — our request was refused .
10 Er so we wrote to the heads of the schools and they were quite willing to accommodate er us and then I found out that er Muslims are already taking assemblies for a few years .
11 Because if you remember we wrote to the Department of Environment putting our views forward , when the commission was just about to get .
12 We wrote to the Leeds authority at the end of October but no one replied .
13 Couple of points that were made in relation to this particular report was the backing by the employee side , erm , to the wages board initiative that took when we wrote to the government saying that we felt that the abolition of the wages board was not in the best interests erm , of the people of Lincolnshire .
14 We wrote to the Secretary of State after you passed that motion so it appears from the correspondence we have back from the Secretary of State that they are bloody minded on this one and they 're going to , he 's going to support , press on with the imposition of V A T and since that time we we see he 's well supported by the cabinet .
15 We put immense pressure on them , we tried everything we could , we raised it with the Transport Users consultative committee at National Level , we wrote to the minister and all kinds of and they did n't budge at all , you would n't think they were a public body .
16 We must all of us write to the Health Authority , to our local M Ps , to the government to defend Orthopaedic Hospital .
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