Example sentences of "we should go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think perhaps we should go through to Mr Andrew 's office . ’
2 ‘ I guess we should go through and see what the picture is .
3 ‘ I think we should go through to the dining-room now .
4 I think we should go over just now .
5 ‘ Well then , if we want to say goodbye to the old country , we should go up on deck , ’ Ernest suggested .
6 We believe strongly that we should go on working together in full partnership in a Union that has served every part of the United Kingdom well .
7 Jim concluded gloomily that in his view we should go on sliding downhill for the next few years .
8 A strange kind of calm possessed her , as she said , ‘ I think we should go on .
9 Then , years later , when he bought his own table ( and a house big enough to put it in ) , and we started playing regularly , almost weekly , we wondered whether we should go on playing for money .
10 ‘ All the more reason why we should go on . ’
11 Someone pointed out that perhaps we should go on to Camden Town or we 'd end up back in the diversion .
12 This in itself is a mildly interesting observation and certainly needs to be made ; but what we should go on to do is to say why they do not appear there .
13 But that 's all the more reason why we should go off this time with a car well filled , eh ?
14 Well I 've had a word with Keith and he will be available and , and very willing to do a one day seminar of that nature basically on why unison how we should go about convincing the , the membership at large how we should er conduct the free ballot campaign as it were .
15 There should be no preconceptions whatever , no areas of intellectual abstinence , and we should go out of our way to build common cause with other parties around the world in searching out the way forward .
16 Discuss if we should go out socially , er it becomes a kind of religion !
17 Many people who have not been sailing before , many parents are worried about their youngsters , think that it 's dangerous and whatever and we have all this information , we have all these checks , we have a wonderful education scheme er within our own organization in this country and we should go out and sell that and I think we , a lot of it 's going on already and I do n't decry that and we need to just market that a little better to get more youngsters on the water because once we get more youngsters on the water the pyramid gets wider , the building gets higher , so that 's an important issue
18 I just said I do n't think we should go out no more .
19 Not this Wednesday , last Wednesday I was saying , I just said I do n't think we should go out no more .
20 we should go out with , with everybody , us and the boys
21 Perhaps , with typical English reserve , we should go along with Alice and Stephen Lawhead 's Pilgrim 's Guide to the New Age ( Lion Publishing ) .
22 We are democrats and accept that until we have convinced people by the force of our argument , we should go along with the view of the majority of the organisations of which we are a member .
23 To conclude I think that we should go along rather than hope sort of an aspect of Conservative philosophy which is that people should be encouraged to earn money and they should be encouraged to save money and that therefore in this case this means proposing this Conservative motion , though I hope they will actually have the common sense to withdraw it .
24 Hospital thinks we should go in .
25 I think we should go in for 10,000 of these ones … "
26 It was a fundamental principle that we never er er er put aside , because we felt that er well as I say if , if a company was being profitable , there was every reason why we should go in and increase our members ' er er standard of living .
27 We should go in for wholesale demolition of buildings from the Sixties and Seventies .
28 We took advantage of the excellent opportunity of monetary conditions coming within their limits to end all the speculation about when we should go in , and go in .
29 " Perhaps now we should go down . "
30 Maybe we should go down there later on .
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