Example sentences of "we be in the " in BNC.

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1 So we did n't buy very , little utility furniture , the only utility furniture we 've got is , it used to be a bedroom suite up in that second bedroom , we 've still got the bed of that , that was utility , but had we been in the market we would of bought utility because it was very good , some of it was really good if you looked around and erm , you know , choose your furniture , it was very good
2 He 's a bill sales , how long have we been in the indoor sales , or territory four , nine , one , in Manchester depot , which covers the Greater Stockport area .
3 He is not at all well , very breathless , and by the time we are in the care he is gasping for air .
4 We are in the Scotland of TB , pneumonia and drink , in which sex is spoken of as a matter of men attacking women .
5 Our theory — if we are in the business of expounding a theory on the subject of pub design — is that each pub must be treated individually and on its own merits .
6 We are in the presence of very great evil , my friends , and the little grey cells must not be denied . ’
7 In any case , enveloped though it is in ingratiating compliments to us on how charming we are in the bosoms of our families , the indictment is quite firm and it is unsparing : ‘ Suffocating insular coziness ’ .
8 SINCE we are in the middle of the International Coffee Organisation meeting -how do they pass a week without a visible result ? — I thought it appropriate to think about tea .
9 We are in the wrong position to see the flash of light as the sun erupts again , settling instead for seeing it emerge from behind the northward island as we paddle slowly in .
10 It 's hard not to when you see how happy we are in the picture — we 're laughing our heads off .
11 We are in the season of Advent which , as we know , means the Coming — — the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ — and He , as we know also , was crucified by rulers who set the claims of the State above Him .
12 We are in the unique position of having privileged access to information from their workers in almost every region where refugees are concerned .
13 We are in the hi-tech corridor between the M3 and M4 , ’ said the lady , dishing out brochures proclaiming as advantages the town 's high-speed escapes to Birmingham , Liverpool , anywhere .
14 We are in the hi-tech corridor between the M3 and M4 , ’ said the lady , dishing out brochures proclaiming as advantages the town 's high-speed escapes to Birmingham , Liverpool , anywhere .
15 We are in the early stage of what will be a long debate in Europe , ’ she said .
16 We are in the eye of the storm , ’ he said .
17 We are in the Old Vicarage Farm now , which Johnson describes as a pretentious heap of shit built to impress the local peasants .
18 We are in the midst of a period of considerable change , ’ said breed society president Wilson McCracken , Co Antrim .
19 His response is to try to see clearly what we are in the scale of things :
20 ‘ What you observe there is that in the battleground seats , the seats where this election will be determined , Labour is doing even better than we are in the national , overall polls , ’ he said .
21 Now we are in the years 1911 — 1920 , and Stravinsky , who was then in the throes of The Rite of Spring , found time , too , for his Two Poems of Balmont and the Three Japanese Lyrics .
22 Nevertheless , unfilled vacancies were the highest for a year , a further indication that ‘ we are in the right kind of atmosphere to benefit from the recovery ’ .
23 We are in the agonies of househunting ’ , Bernard Shaw wrote to his friend H. G Wells in the spring of 1904 .
24 ‘ If we are in the middle of a broad , flat valley , our mathematical models work well , ’ says Whitman .
25 You only have to drive through the West Midlands to see that if we are in the Super-League of top industrial nations , somebody must be moving the goalposts .
26 This is obviously not always an easy thing to do , especially if we are in the darkness of suffering .
27 We are in the salon of Dame Edna 's Mayfair penthouse , slightly smaller than Versailles and banked by more floral tributes than a Mafia funeral .
28 Today we are in the vulnerable position of producing barely half our own food , with only 2½ per cent of our people directly concerned with working the land , and that percentage is still falling .
29 When we are in the material world doing work or playing , we should do them with enthusiasm and be wholly committed to them .
30 When we have allowed this state to dominate us we are in the state of apathy .
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