Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 If MacCabe 's views on the value of a good row are right , then 1992 may offer some stranger cultural exchanges than expected : we may end up putting our mouths where their money is .
2 As a result , the blood is deprived of much of the oxygen it needs to feed the body tissues , so we may end up feeling listless or suffer vagueness of thought .
3 And , in the end , unless we challenge our assumptions , we may end up with little more than a large collection of inwardlooking occupational ethnographies between which the connections still remained to be demonstrated .
4 Unless some of those cripples get well we may end up in midtable anonymity by May .
5 For example , suppose we find unc Then we may set up the regression formula unc and if we begin with
6 We may ask an observer to carry a device which records his position , velocity and acceleration as a function of time as he mingles with the crowd or we may set up two observation posts at the entrance and count the number of people per second passing across the space between the posts .
7 We may pick up ( i.e. learn ) bad habits ( e.g. nail-biting ) without realizing it .
8 In the same way , ‘ of course we may pick up business if , say , the existing solicitor on one side or the other has no M&A expertise , and that will be a bonus .
9 I think perhaps we ought to go up now and hope the weather 's better in the morning . ’
10 And as we come out I said to Rudy I feel we ought to go up and see if Wendy 's alright , cos she was a bit upset at quarter to twelve .
11 The injunctions set the standards that we ought to live up to , and their effect is to make people 's self-esteem contingent on living up to them .
12 I do n't know , maybe we ought to give up work .
13 Views were expressed : ‘ Not only do we need to experience real work , ’ went the argument , ‘ but we should give up our holiday times to do it ! ’
14 But , then , we should give up the concept of " identical meanings " and accept that there can be only relative similarities of use , and hence only approximate , pragmatically testable , substitutability of certain expressions within similar contexts .
15 ‘ I do n't see why we should give up these wonderful premises just because there 's another practice about a couple of miles away . ’
16 I reckon we should head up to actually .
17 On the surface , the Conservative victory of 1979 seemed to blunt the case for change and in a 1981 Commons debate on the British constitution the minister of state at the Home Office boldly put the case for no change , arguing that " this is a time when we should stand up for our great tradition of parliamentary democracy …
18 Silence when we should speak up condones cruelty and injustice .
19 Then do n't you think given that case , we should set up a whole inter international thing , which oversees all the governments ?
20 ‘ You are n't intending that we should set up home together ?
21 I do not say that we should pull up the anchor and take the United Kingdom somewhere else .
22 ‘ Well then , if we want to say goodbye to the old country , we should go up on deck , ’ Ernest suggested .
23 This belief has lasted to the present day ; and , in revenge , we should round up all the people who made these awful hippy records and make them read old Charlatans interviews until they beg for mercy and we hurl them into a well filled with angry weasels .
24 The government had concluded ‘ that it is quite wrong that we should build up artificial hopes ’ by allowing boat people to remain in the colony in the belief that they would be resettled .
25 We should build up the Western European Union as the defence pillar of the European union , but the treaty embodies the view set out in the Anglo-Italian proposal two months ago , and endorsed at last month 's summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation that whatever we do at European level must be compatible with NATO .
26 Offered to the museum for £800 by Hans Calmann , who subsequently lowered the price to £550 as the Committee ‘ felt a little uncertain about the Bust — or rather , I should say whether we should pay up ’ because a bust of the same period ‘ more certainly by Foggini ’ had been purchased by the V&A for £80 a few years before .
27 I do n't think we should hold up this one because of it , er so I would like to see the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the area committee er , so that residents can comment on this .
28 The atmosphere was cordial and relaxed — the Emperor even entertained the children with conjuring tricks — and when the time came to leave he assured the Queen that ‘ If we stayed longer we should end up by forgetting France altogether . ’
29 We know that if we started to challenge everything we should end up like the centipede that became paralysed through analysis of the movement of its many legs .
30 If we acted unilaterally , we should end up putting out of business our own egg producers just to be flooded with eggs produced under the very system that we had banned .
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