Example sentences of "we [verb] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We intend appointing one agency , but that now means manoeuvring around existing contracts , ’ says Tyson .
2 Erm , we 've got some publicity material produced , posters we intend doing several displays county hall , headquarters , all police stations will have posters sent out to them , probably libraries will be circulated with them , er it 's a last minute job typical we only just found about it , we do what we can we need some sort of press exercise do n't we you know .
3 We hate doing this because it could be handy information in the event the other party ever accuses us of a transgression .
4 We got wringing wet that week and on the Sunday after the Spurs match , I just felt ill .
5 We got talking one evening last week , and he was asking about Carinish Court .
6 We propose combining all completed forms , probably as simple photocopies , into a single document for distribution to all those interested .
7 A happy side-effect of electronic coursework is that we found marking less of a chore : indeed in small doses it has been interesting .
8 When we stopped serving white meat and seafood to become totally vegetarian there is no doubt we lost a lot of customers but you have to stick to your guns .
9 ‘ If we stopped seeing each other that would solve the problem , would n't it ? ’
10 ‘ I think it 's time we stopped poisoning half the land and concreting in the rest . ’
11 Even if we stopped using all CFCs today , depletion of the ozone layer — the earth 's barrier against cancer-causing ultra violet radiation — would carry on at the same rate for the next 50 years .
12 I think it would be better if we stop seeing each other , I find I have a lot of work to do with my Alternative Maths ,
13 The second tactic is to ensure that we stop adding more people to the numbers of tragic people on our streets as a result of years of social and self-neglect .
14 In effect , therefore , we stop acquiring any new skills and this may mean we risk having too narrow a repertoire of skills to equip us adequately for the variety of people-situations we are likely to encounter .
15 The minute we stop doing this , we might as well stop the whole plans procedure .
16 The objective in 1993 is to make our budget , which is achievable providing we stop scoring own goals as we have done in th Northern Area of Wimpey Asphalt and the Eastern Area of Wimpey Hobbs over the last two years .
17 We recall giving silent thanks that no one had ten bob for the juke box .
18 And we anticipate starting that scheme er in spring nineteen ninety four latest and the completion is nineteen ninety five .
19 We stand facing each other , Tod and I. Occasionally from along the corridor comes the sound of banging , as his minders hammer temporary repairs to his front room window .
20 We stand holding each other , and she shivers like a butterfly and her tears trickle down my skin .
21 ‘ In that environment do we mind playing 12 tests a year ?
22 We like wearing bright colours .
23 We enjoyed exploring all the islands , and loved the ferry journeys thereto .
24 We enjoyed having these fine Canadian ambassadors with us at Craigforth .
25 Of course I must add a , a word of warning here , because whereas once upon a time many people used to be able to ring the Weather Centres or a Met Office to get their own personal forecast , which was very nice , we enjoyed doing this , it has now got to the stage where so many people are trying to ring us that we just can not deal with all the enquiries personally , and we 're looking into ways and means of erm providing forecasts of this sort of nature , they 're general sort of nature , by other means , such as radio and television .
26 Most significantly we will showing good profit progression on 1990 and that means we are making our contribution towards the Group meeting its objectives .
27 In our experience , the vast majority of people who we find buying these Aga-sagas are women between 25 and 40 , ’ he said .
28 It was very confusing , key words , when we started using key words and when we asked because something was n't there , and we consulted the script , we were still cutting words out , but , at , the script was definite , but sort of like , two of them well they had doubts , and like we started cutting words out , and then like , the words that were out .
29 Is it not about time we started using different grounds for finals instead of Windsor or the Oval ?
30 People complain about City prices and Leicester University class lists , but if we started printing all these digits even our most faithful readers would complain .
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