Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 If MacCabe 's views on the value of a good row are right , then 1992 may offer some stranger cultural exchanges than expected : we may end up putting our mouths where their money is .
2 As a result , the blood is deprived of much of the oxygen it needs to feed the body tissues , so we may end up feeling listless or suffer vagueness of thought .
3 And , in the end , unless we challenge our assumptions , we may end up with little more than a large collection of inwardlooking occupational ethnographies between which the connections still remained to be demonstrated .
4 Unless some of those cripples get well we may end up in midtable anonymity by May .
5 In passing from one parish to another , in simply crossing a nameless brook or road , we may step back into fields that were created , not by the commissioners of Georgian times , but by the Tudor squire or perhaps even by his monastic predecessors in the fifteenth century .
6 We may pour out our hearts about the situation in which we find ourselves , expressing our trust , hope and confidence .
7 If we attempt to do so , we may leave out whole areas of study .
8 ‘ … it will be a great thing not to have to depend on the fickle wind for making a passage , and still more to know that we may pounce down upon those rascally fast-sailing dhows whenever we can sight them in a calm , and be sure of overtaking them … ’
9 His studies of more than 10,000 executives in the past three decades persuade him that , unless our line of work calls fundamentally on our buzzgiving skills , we are unlikely to shine at it — even though we may muddle through on quasi-automatic dexterity alone .
10 In this chapter , I shall attempt to separate the parts that make up the whole , then to explore some of the ways in which we may bring about harmony to mind-body-spirit .
11 To what extent if if you accept the County Council 's proposed housing provision for Selby , and I appreciate that 's hypothetical but I er I think it would help me to get this element isolated from our discussion , otherwise we may go round in ever decreasing circles .
12 Meanwhile , we may go back to the situation in 1072 , and begin with some words of Lanfranc which provide the main evidence for the documents which existed at this date .
13 For example , suppose we find unc Then we may set up the regression formula unc and if we begin with
14 We may ask an observer to carry a device which records his position , velocity and acceleration as a function of time as he mingles with the crowd or we may set up two observation posts at the entrance and count the number of people per second passing across the space between the posts .
15 We may set out to search with a tight specification of what we want to find .
16 Provocation creates an unstable idea so that we may move on from it to a new idea .
17 We have to take lessons with an open mind and a humility so that we may find out where we are going wrong .
18 That way of thinking about it will become very useful for things like linear regression , which we may touch on , and erm for the notion of variants accounted for , which we certainly will touch on shortly Now , there 's different sorts of correlations .
19 The kindest thing one can say of this is that , one day , we may come round to liking it .
20 Very good er we may come back to that in a moment .
21 We may seek out partners incapable of loving us in the way we need so as to experience again the brief hope that this time it will be all right or as Lisa Minelli sang in the film Cabaret , ‘ This time I 'll be lucky ’ , before the pain sweeps in again to overwhelm us .
22 Fourthly , we may single out what is ordinarily called an event or change , partly because of its brief duration , and thereby distinguished from what is called a standing condition — say the movement of a lever as against its tensile strength .
23 In the process we may fall back on an idealized view of our own society , or take our cue from generalized impressions of ‘ Western ’ experience .
24 The kind of morality which Spinoza recommends is one which guides us on how we may live out our lives in the fullest possible exercise of our personal urges and abilities .
25 We did n't do too badly then and I suggest we may turn out the winner again .
26 We may pick up ( i.e. learn ) bad habits ( e.g. nail-biting ) without realizing it .
27 In the same way , ‘ of course we may pick up business if , say , the existing solicitor on one side or the other has no M&A expertise , and that will be a bonus .
28 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
29 Fourth , we may point out that quite often the potential reference of the noun as modified by the adjective will not be the same in the predicate qualifying construction as it would be under the attributive version .
30 There will still be reasons , adduced below , for objecting to an account of predicate qualifiers as based on either clauses or abstract clauses , but on the general suggestion that an abstract clause , of this or that design , might be a useful grammatical device , we may point out that , as we remarked in Section 3.7 , a claim that some structure is a reduced form of a clause is not explanatory ; and it does not become more explanatory if the appeal is to a hypothetical or abstract clause .
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