Example sentences of "we [vb base] the good " in BNC.

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1 I should add that we remain the best of friends .
2 We mean the best to work in and the best to buy from .
3 It is then that we expect the best group from Southern Africa to be there , including the Homeland leaders .
4 ‘ PR involves voting for the least worst , and we want the best for the country as a whole .
5 Savoury filo recipes next week ; then we want the best recipe for game-bird stuffings .
6 A spokesman said : ‘ We have to attract people on a global basis and we want the best .
7 ‘ If you are the best then obviously we want the best , especially as Señorita Howard will not move without you .
8 The same is true of the health service , the more the private health educa the pri private health welfare comes in , the less chance there is of people who are , who are articulate and people who count in British society start speaking up with the rest of us and saying come on we we 've got a common interest and a common stake in this service and we want the best po for for everybody and the same will start happening in housing if you get your way .
9 We want the best training .
10 We acknowledge the good work done by some workers but any change is still very piecemeal , ’ she said .
11 However , standards do vary slightly , so we give the best rooms to early bookers .
12 ‘ I do feel , ’ Rune was continuing with the same reasonable approach with which he doubtless addressed a board meeting , ‘ that we need an in-depth discussion about its capabilities and design before we consider the best way to market it in the United Kingdom . ’
13 On Easter Monday , we broach the best Bordeaux . ’
14 Stephanie Moore said yesterday : ‘ We appreciate the good wishes of all our friends inside and outside football , and are grateful they respected the family 's wish for a private funeral . ’
15 We remember the good times , forget the bad .
16 Quite recently the Environmental Department has become semi-autonomous with Russell Jones as its Chief Environmental Health Officer and we know the good work which Russell has done over the years .
17 As the Amsterdam specialists we know the best things to do and see in and around Amsterdam , simply tell us the type of holiday your group requires and leave all the planning to us .
18 ‘ As the University is so pressurised for space we must make sure now that we get the best courses that we possibly can and that they will earn the income to justify their inception . ’
19 Erm but then we , we w we need to start thinking about how we get the best out of Colin .
20 Our new research strategy ensures that we get the best possible value from that and , above all , apply the lessons .
21 He explains : ‘ We get the best of the romantic part of it , without the problems of , like , ‘ Oh , God , there 's another electric bill ’ .
22 The more criticism we get the better .
23 Reflecting on Down 's immediate future he adds : ‘ You have to remember that the championship is only eight or nine weeks away so the more competitive football we get the better .
24 Erm we feel that er in that circumstance the proposals should be retrospective erm and we find the Good Committees er comment on this singularly unhelpful , in that all they say is we do not accept that retrospective implementation of the compensation scheme is appropriate full stop .
25 we 've got things on him as well so we find the best .
26 We believe the best contribution we can make to the community is to create wealth by carrying on our business ethically , safely and profitably .
27 In our branches , we believe the best person for the job should represent the members , not the best employed person .
28 Now you 've crossed Westminster bridge and achieved your goal , we outline the best possible way to recover .
29 In the circumstances it 's in very good condition ; we 'd expect it to be far worse than this but the more we uncover the better it gets .
30 There are some places where we keep the best till last .
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