Example sentences of "we [vb base] go on " in BNC.

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1 Everything will be overshadowed by these events but we intend to go on making the week work as well as we can .
2 Start the way we mean to go on … ’
3 On income tax — ‘ That is the way we mean to go on , taking more and more taxpayers out of the 25p tax by widening the band .
4 Start life as we mean to go on , we 'll go home . ’
5 Right now we better start you off how we mean to go on James , with er a sp a special sticker .
6 I was to perform two of Joyce 's pieces , the first being ‘ Committee ’ , a deadly accurate re-creation of a Northern Ladies Choral Committee meeting convened to axe one of its founder members : ‘ Now , we do n't want any unpleasantness , friendly is what we are and friendly is how we mean to go on … but I think we all know there is one voice in the altos that did not ought to be there .
7 So I says to Pete , right , start as we mean to go on , I refuse to pay any more than the cleanup rate .
8 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
9 We have brought pride back to Teesside and we want to go on to greater things . ’
10 ‘ This is the first step in sorting out Darlington town centre , we want to go on and sort out the bus chaos , the market square and look at pedestrianising other areas . ’
11 We want to go on and sort out the bus chaos , the market square and look at pedestrianising other areas ’ .
12 ‘ A significant chunk of what we earn goes on child-minding .
13 The only other thing I have to put to you is this that I 've already put to er what we allege went on in that bedroom .
14 There have been many wild geese chased , that is not how we like to go on .
15 ‘ We ca n't really know what actually goes on in the world , like whether there really is honey : all we really know , and therefore all we can really tell other people , is what we believe goes on in the world . ’
16 We keep we keep going on for longer and longer but it 's taking a lot longer for us to get any closer .
17 They 'd start er you know one man gen mentioned er that when we get married in church erm we are making sacred vows you know we start with God but then we get busy with our living and our jobs and having our families and then somehow we forget about God and we we try to go on without him .
18 They go mad when we start going on about JFK .
19 So if we start going on about transport they 're going to rub that into us that we 've got owt .
20 But we 've gone on and done it .
21 Our next plan is to go for endowment to stop the roller coaster ride we 've gone on with the city ’ .
22 ‘ But she feels younger , because we 've gone on living longer , ’ said Arthur .
23 so I 've have them produce the lecture and then we 've gone on from like doing
24 we 've gone on talking so long
25 Since then , we have gone on making love at the club during the day when it is quiet .
26 ‘ So we have to go on meeting like this , ever watchful , always circumspect in our behaviour when in company so no one will suspect — ’
27 The normal way of classifying a child is by his Or her father 's profession , and this is essentially all we have to go on in this case .
28 They 're all we have to go on .
29 All we have to go on is what other societies do .
30 We have going on between them
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