Example sentences of "we [vb base] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 But we change it at a company level .
2 We make them at just under a pound but what the record companies charge for them in the shops is up to them
3 As Christian communicators in Asia we place ourselves at the service of those challenges , well aware that we need to conscientise people as much as we need to be conscientised .
4 Before we forget it at the end .
5 Coun Katherine Carr said : ‘ We are the custodians of something so valuable and we forget it at our peril . ’
6 Going for quality not only means the way we do our work , but the standards with which we conduct ourselves at work .
7 Bad when we meet someone at the station , but unbearable when we are seeing them off ; not present when we are departing ourselves , but unbearable when arriving in London , if only from a day in Brighton . ’
8 In ordinary politics , however , we must treat integrity as an independent ideal if we accept it at all , because it can conflict with these other ideals .
9 We fail so utterly to reward responsible married women that if we give anything at all to single mothers we appear to be placing a premium — ‘
10 We glimpse him at this time as the ‘ very accurate , industrious young man ’ commended by ‘ Governor ’ Thomas Pownall [ q.v . ] .
11 In response to his prompting remark that ‘ the Jewish problem still has n't been cleared up ’ and ‘ we hear nothing at all about what sort of solution is imagined ’ , only three Party members ( 5 per cent ) expressed open approval of the right to exterminate the Jews , with comments such as : ‘ The Führer has decided upon the extermination of Jewry and promised it .
12 And it we drive it at sixty miles an hour , for two hours .
13 The laws of science , as we know them at present , contain many fundamental numbers , like the size of the electric charge of the electron and the ratio of the masses of the proton and the electron .
14 ‘ I 'll start with the facts as far as we know them at the moment . ’
15 But we believe we know what at this moment the country wants , and we believe it is for us in our strength to do what no other party can do at this moment and to say that we at any rate stand for peace …
16 ‘ You have no idea , ’ said Healey , ‘ what it was like before you came into the committee , The prime minister was always demanding active intervention early on , with this crazy desire to go there and take things over , that we should side with the Roman Catholics and the Civil Rights movement against the government and the Royal Ulster Constabulary , though we know nothing at all about it . ’
17 We know nothing at all about the author of The Cloud of Unknowing .
18 I do n't say as good as we get it at the Club " — there was still a spark of spirit left in him — " but decidedly good . "
19 The Torygraph is OK — we get it at home but it 's just too London , Sum biased , but then again what is n't these days .
20 As his biographer develops the theme of his travels , it becomes difficult to tell whether Godric is more of a merchant or a pilgrim : we find him at Jerusalem , at Compostela and at Rome .
21 Happily , we find them at home ‘ sitting on their front door in the cool of the evening , enjoying a song and a glass in a quiet way ’ .
22 If we pay him at time and three quarters which is the most we can pay him , we 're still making point six of a er on top of that .
23 We pay them at proof stage because that 's the second time we get any money from the client .
24 I think Gordon 's got one , we use one at work though , yeah it 's , yeah yes it 's very good
25 We may do it badly , but the beauty is that we do it at all .
26 We all sleep , and as a rule we do it at night in one long session of up to nine or ten hours , and during the day we stay awake .
27 He also suggests that it might be a good idea if we move one at a time to avoid a ridiculous crush in the tent ; I should get up and move out , then he will get up and start the fire , then Nathan can get up last .
28 ‘ Now he has got fascinated by the paper as well , he 's made it look like a field of bridal veils , but it 's going to be difficult to keep it in place when we move it at night .
29 We generate it at will , turn it on or off by flicking a switch .
30 But they are the real facts about the existence of human groups , and we ignore them at our peril .
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