Example sentences of "we [vb past] well [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We played well enough to have won , ’ he said .
2 The crowd gently goaded him by chanting : ‘ Kenny what 's the score ? ’ and afterwards Dalglish admitted : ‘ I am disappointed we did n't get anything from the match because I thought we played well enough .
3 We played better tonight than against Liverpool .
4 Yes , we 'd better just approve the minutes of the meeting process , of the last meeting first of all , had n't we lads ?
5 Danny it 's just occurred to me because we 're tape recording we 'd better just stop print just at the moment , we 'll just leave that off line we can do it later .
6 Thanks to the support of many members we raised well over £1,200 from which we gave £646 in prizes and had £600 for the Society .
7 We managed well enough before you ever came round the place . ’
8 ‘ Even though we wanted to go along to the studio , we kept well away from the remixes because we 'd have been ‘ Oooh do n't take that out , do n't change this ’ .
9 erm so I mean for example with something like statistics that covers different techniques and activities from , you know , different books erm something like erm something like social most of it comes out of that which is a thing we did because people were experiencing difficulty with it so we thought well right we 'll , we 'll , we 'll sort of anchor the syllabus mostly to , you know , one particular book erm so different , different staff use different techniques , some people ha have drawn on a whole variety of things and , and , and some people have just drawn on one erm I think the main priority is to try and do some coursework though in your case erm
10 Who one day we thought well about time we had something so I think we said to him er about these things off the ration ca n't ca n't get , what happens to them ?
11 We did well enough — far beyond most expectations — to earn some important respect from our opponents and some confidence in ourselves . ’
12 WE DID well enough , ’ said Master James of Betton , in the abbot 's panelled parlour an hour later , until we came into the forest there , beyond Eaton .
13 But if we are going to accuse them of this then we had better also accuse them of inventing the doctrine of the Trinity , for although the New Testament provides evidence for such a cardinal Christian belief it does not set it out in a clear or distinct fashion .
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