Example sentences of "we [adv] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 We just worked as long as we liked and it and it was hard work of course it was , turning these socks like that , two , well it was hundred dozen pays , that 's two thousand four hundred .
2 The facts , as we perceive them , do suggest the existence of a coordinating intelligence at work behind the scenes , possibly an aspect of that same life energy , or vital force , which we already saw as having an organizing and integrating function in the individual living organism .
3 The development of what we still see as the modern corporation began with Pierre S. du Pont 's restructuring of his family company in the early twenties and continued with Alfred P. Sloan 's redesign of General Motors a few years later .
4 What we also find as we turn the pages of the history of censorship are the moral and social and political opportunists , loud and strident , quick to make their mark and catch the mood of the day .
5 Suppose we now proceed as in 2.9.3 : we begin with the submatrix Yo and successively evaluate unc and we then solve for Mo the eigenproblem unc Then a new approximation to Y is unc At this point we may ask : what is the purpose of eigenproblem ?
6 In all this , we 've discovered a definite link between what has made us what we are and the unsettling elements which we now bring as responses or even confrontations when conflict arises .
7 The dog that accompanied the eleventh legion that was to conquer the area we now know as Rottweil in AD 74 would not be recognizable as the breed we know today .
8 Of gaol fever , which we now know as typhus , Howard later wrote :
9 Such a mixture we now know as potpourri , from the French pourrir , to rot , not a very accurate name , since the ingredients are preserved rather than allowed to decay .
10 There had to be freedom of association — that is , freedom to form political parties , and freedom to form the kind of associations we now know as pressure groups , whose purpose is to bring to bear on parties and on governments the combined pressure of the interests they represent .
11 At that time the area we now know as Scotland was situated near the present equator and much of the area was covered by the sea which explains the exotic nature of the finds .
12 Between 1 846 and 1873 the social and ecological pattern of what we now regard as the traditional English village became firmly established , particularly in the lowland South and East .
13 The condition that we now recognise as AIDS was first reported in the USA in 1981 .
14 Disciplines that we now accept as having thrown much light on the evolutionary process were thus introduced originally as alternatives to nineteenth-century ‘ Darwinism ’ .
15 In law and practice , we often act as though the overvalued blood ties ensured satisfactory parenting , with the result that the child 's wellbeing is sacrificed to that of the adult .
16 At all events , it enables her to explore the danger that shoots through many childhoods : the fear of losing mother or father , the conflict we often endure as we hear their exasperated voices arguing above our heads or while we are in bed .
17 Next , fro(5) , squaring and adding , we have unc and since only the uth , vth columns and rows have changed , we deduce that the sum of the squares of all the off-diagonal elements of B is less than that of A since we have replaced the two elements Auv of A by zeros in B. Thus unc Having evaluated B , we repeat the procedure to find C ; we select the element Bpq of largest modulus and find unc from ( see 4 ) ) unc we then proceed as before to construct unc and
18 In the case of money markets , for example , we sometimes distinguish as follows :
19 His concern is with the impact of technical change on two of the four factors we previously identified as potential sources of job satisfaction , namely social relations at work and the exercise of skill and knowledge .
20 Moreover , it is frequently pointed out that the early Christian definitions of faith did not mean by the Greek and Latin words that we commonly translate as ‘ person ’ exactly what we would mean by ‘ person ’ today .
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