Example sentences of "from house to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They had at Castle Menzies — at the sunrise of the movement , striding from house to house , irresistible .
2 The wren-boys who had gone from house to house on the lorry all day were now scrubbed and combed , playing away cheerfully on raised planks .
3 When they visit their friends they travel by back alleys from house to house .
4 However , Mrs Knelle seemed to be driving from house to house to exchange news , and I thought the old Ireland persisted around Lough Corrib as well as might be expected , or better .
5 There are great difficulties in assessing health effects , however , since exposure varies greatly from house to house within small neighbourhoods .
6 These people go from house to house selling goods .
7 In the evening Kalchu went round the village from house to house until he found someone who was going to the Bazaar the following day .
8 They went around from house to house demanding the licensing fee .
9 We have begun to ask the Lord and ask the church to send out workers into this particular harvest field with the aim of finding out what needs there are in the area , offering practical help from house to house and seeing who would like to consider following Jesus .
10 Amina and Miriam were continually wandering from house to house in the compound , searching for something new to amuse themselves .
11 Here , admired as the author of Holy Living and Holy Dying , he was appointed by a group of Royalists as their chaplain , going from house to house , holding services , baptisms and confessions .
12 He went from house to house dragging two metal ingots and everybody was amazed to see pots , pans , tongs and braziers tumble down from their places and beams creak from the desperation of nails and screws trying to emerge , and even objects that had been lost for a long time appeared from where they had been searched for most and went dragging along in turbulent confusion behind Melquíades ' magical irons .
13 The leisure time of teenage boys is spent wandering in the forest , from house to house , and in hammock gossip .
14 He went from house to house in certain areas of the East End of London , painstakingly recording the number of residents , the number of rooms they occupied , their living conditions , their income , diet , clothing , and so on .
15 One of the albums was compiled for the Wittgenstein family , documenting almost a decade of nomadic princely travel from house to house .
16 Crewmen McMullen and Creelman manoeuvred the boat from house to house in varying depths of water , up to 8ft in places , with underwater obstructions making the going difficult .
17 We move from house to house for a glass of sherry and a chat .
18 We have to keep moving from house to house , because nowhere is safe .
19 She lives moving from house to house to keep the security forces off her tracks , " Now my home is here with the Committee " , she explained .
20 Further , the streets serve as drying grounds in fine weather ; lines are stretched across from house to house , and hung with wet clothing .
21 We went from house to house , passing White Memorial Hospital , whose waiting room had been shot up when one gang went to kill the wounded members of another .
22 I think the problem is , that at the moment sex education is so arbitrary and it varies from school to school and from house to house I think they have to make it like a core part of the curriculum , make it compulsory and make it uniform throughout the country , so everybody 's getting the same education , the same quality I think that 'll help .
23 This pattern occurs frequently due to factors such as the way in which meter readings for , say , electricity supply are made from house to house , i.e. not at random , or the effects of localized advertising campaigns on a larger file in which many unaffected records are stored .
24 They went from house to house checking all night long .
25 Next day I walked from house to house again , looking in vain for work .
26 William Livingston ( 1818–1870 ) who apprenticed to a tailor and went from house to house in the course of his work , must have known the people well and written about their hard life .
27 William Livingston ( 1818–1870 ) who apprenticed to a tailor and went from house to house in the course of his work , must have known the people well and written about their hard life .
28 When this happens , the decision to move should be theirs alone and there should be no pressure to shuffle people round from house to house as their level of social achievement improves or deteriorates .
29 In some parts of the country , ploughs , decorated with coloured ribbons , were carried from house to house and then a mumming play was performed .
30 People may go from house to house with their gifts of eggs to greet each other again after the separation of winter .
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