Example sentences of "from year to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The critical moment for harvest varies from year to year and from one plant to the next .
2 It could even vary from year to year .
3 He says what he believes to be true and even if one disagrees with him , his uncompromising stances are vastly preferable to some of the gobbledy-gook that comes from some sections of the countryside establishment or those who change their views from year to year .
4 six times I have returned to that country , demanding the past from the present , flogging my emotions , requiring of them , still , that freshness they once owed to novelty , and from year to year finding in my ageing desires rewards ever less vivid …
5 From year to year they used the same handrails to go down into the past : lifting the cartwheel at the crossroads , the drilling sessions by the river , the first ambush , marching at night between the safe houses , the different characters in the houses , the food , the girls …
6 A special form of leasehold is the tenancy from year to year , which continues until notice to put an end to it is given by either party .
7 The estate of the tenant from year to year is included in the term of years absolute ; and the interests of a tenant at will and at sufferance are still recognized .
8 Moreover , even at common law a lease which ought to be made by deed but is not will not completely fail of effect , if possession is taken and rent paid under it ; the tenant will be treated as tenant from year to year upon the terms of the lease so far as they are applicable to such a tenancy .
9 Tulips are bought from the local supermarket and thrive magnificently , without ‘ topping up ’ from year to year with more bulbs .
10 The verderers were enabled , in return for an annual payment of £1 , to secure for the commoners the right to turn out their animals during these periods from year to year .
11 The system does not take a zero-based view of needs but has an incremental approach as the formula is replicated from year to year .
12 Because there is a two-year birth interval and because females are in reproductive synchrony , the birth-rate is not constant from year to year .
13 Not only does the rainfall vary from year to year , the amount of water available varies throughout the year .
14 It can and does change , even from year to year ; and may change appreciably from decade to decade .
15 Second , even where there are annual elections , the actual wards in which ordinary vacancies occur often differ from year to year .
16 I express to you the most earnest desire of my heart to be that prosperity and success in social and moral improvement may attend increasingly from year to year the progress of this library .
17 Over the period of a man 's life , small changes are in fact detectable — the magnetic poles wander very slowly around the geographic poles , so the direction of ‘ magnetic ’ north varies slightly from year to year .
18 It is intended that the system of Special Discounts should continue in subsequent years , although the percentage discount and the rules by which policies will qualify may vary from year to year and the possibility can not be ruled out that circumstances may arise which would make it inappropriate to grant any Special Discount at all .
19 Contributions are usually made entirely by the company , and can be varied from year to year .
20 Also , like wine , the quality and ‘ bouquet ’ of an essential oil will vary from year to year .
21 As Mensching ( 1988 ) has discussed , erratic rainfall means that the boundary of rainfed cultivation varies from year to year and , as has been mentioned above , land-use pressures have intensified , including cash-crop production .
22 The number of visitors is increasing from year to year but at the peak of the holiday season this is causing more congestion and overuse of the landscape .
23 Commitments do exist from year to year and constant re-evaluation is impractical and might prove more destructive than constructive .
24 Changes may also occur from year to year in response to cycles in rodent populations .
25 The rate of interest may , therefore , vary from year to year .
26 In most libraries user education activity fluctuates from year to year ; a bewildering range of teaching methods and teaching materials has been tried and applied ; and a discernible pattern of development in the programmes has been almost impossible to trace .
27 User education in individual higher education libraries can change enormously from year to year so no attempt is made to describe current activity comprehensively .
28 Apart from the wide range of orientation techniques used , the fact that orientation techniques are switched from year to year within individual libraries , and the fact that maybe several different techniques might be employed in any single library in any one year , is further illustration of uncertainty in this important area of user education .
29 On the other hand the production of separate leaflets can be staggered and additions and alterations can be made at any time quickly and less expensively ; and some leaflets , which require no alteration from year to year , need not be reprinted for one or two years .
30 When people were already living in towns and storing grain from year to year , the crops hit upon a new strategy for propagating their own kind .
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