Example sentences of "from [v-ing] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 After his initial discovery of the Primary Control , Alexander also noticed that when he was able to prevent tension from building up in his neck muscles , then the hoarseness in his voice decreased accordingly .
2 This unit removes calcium and magnesium from the water , preventing limescale from building up in the machine and on your tableware .
3 I hope that he and his fellow enthusiasts of today will derive as much pleasure from looking back in 50 or 60 years ' time as I do from my battered old album .
4 On the other hand , similar statements of mine have never prevented you from writing back in the past .
5 She seemed unable to prevent herself from going over in her mind every single minute of the days they had spent together in America .
6 Yet a study done for RLA last summer suggested that $1 billion and more than 75,000 new jobs were needed to prevent the city 's riot zone from going up in flames again .
7 She complained of being prevented from helping in the house — ‘ You 'll tire yourself out ’ — or from going out in cold weather , and above all , of not being taken seriously .
8 In the past , when a postponement was to our obvious advantage , I have had to physically restrain fanatical supporters from going out in freezing conditions to shovel snow off the pitch .
9 From Growing Up in East Africa , by E. B. Castle , OUP 1966 , p 211 .
10 There were marvellous areas of growth , like Caribbean cruising with the fantastic prices and quality incidental to the impact of all the extra tonnage , and the ferries were doing so well that it would be a good idea to discourage people from turning up in hordes at Dover unticketed .
11 They have apparently prevented the graft-versus-host reaction from starting up in a number of patients who have received bone-marrow transplants .
12 Try as she might , she could n't stop her eyes from straying back in his direction time and time again , and every time they had it was to see that same unfathomable look on his face .
13 The feeling of spaciousness is degraded , however , by the intrusion of the cockpit well , which prevents one from sitting up in bed .
14 The main objectives of policy are , first , to enable the demand to be met in the right places , while preventing sites from springing up in the wrong places ; and , second , to allow caravan sites , where permitted , to be established on a permanent or long-term basis , in order to facilitate the provision of proper services and equipment and to allow the occupants reasonable security of tenure .
15 He concludes , therefore , that for the twin reasons of the capitalist 's desire to force high output from individual labourers and to prevent labourers from setting up in competition , a pattern of work organisation emerged in the early cotton industry that was characterised by intensive working in factories , with individuals performing fragmented tasks .
16 The regulatory spotlight is unlikely to deter financial institutions from setting up in offshore centres if they perceive an advantage in doing so .
17 Tariffs and prohibition of foreign firms from setting up in Japan were further important weapons .
18 For those of you shying away from hopping around in the water and tired of pedalling away on a bike , a new stepping machine from Powersport International could be just the thing you 're after .
19 There are , of course , specific Israeli laws to stop Damiani and Abu Khadra and Mrs Zamzam from crossing back in the other direction .
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