Example sentences of "from [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two points off a relegation place and with no money to spend , they 're on Skid Row and Kendall has gone from prince to pauper .
2 Chapman switched Jimmy Brain from inside-forward to centre-forward to create a powerful new source of goals , for Brain went on to score 31 that season , breaking the club 's individual record .
3 Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig 's other concern was to dislodge the Germans from their dominating positions on the ridge of high ground running from Westroosbeke to Broodseinde before winter set in .
4 A butler , a Polynesian in a trim white jacket , approached us with a tray of drinks ranging from champagne to gin fizzes or Scotch and sodas .
5 check what excesses apply to the various sections of the policy — these will differ from insurer to insurer .
6 Mobility allowance beneficiaries are entitled , like members of the old vehicle schemes , to exemption from payment of road tax on cars .
7 Computer Language Research Inc has turned in fourth quarter net profits up 3,244.3% at $3.5m , after $1.1m gains from payment of debt this time and $1m restructuring charges last time , on turnover that fell by 1.4% at $31.2m ; net profit for the year to December 31 was up 219.2% at $12.3m , after $5.7m gains from the cumulative effect of an accounting change , on turnover that fell by 4.1% to $111m .
8 QVC Network Inc has reported fourth quarter net profits up 109% at $18.9m , after $1.1m losses from payment of debt this time and $868,000 last time , on turnover up 21.4% at $341.8m ; net profit for the year to January 31 was up 180.7% at $55.1m , after $1.5m losses from payment of debt this time and $2.1m last time , on turnover that rose 16.1% to $1,070.6m .
9 QVC Network Inc has reported fourth quarter net profits up 109% at $18.9m , after $1.1m losses from payment of debt this time and $868,000 last time , on turnover up 21.4% at $341.8m ; net profit for the year to January 31 was up 180.7% at $55.1m , after $1.5m losses from payment of debt this time and $2.1m last time , on turnover that rose 16.1% to $1,070.6m .
10 Data-Design Laboratories Inc has reported second quarter net profits of $4.5m against losses of $15.5m last time , after $163,000 gains from the sale of assets and $5.8m gains from payment of debt this time and $11.6m restructuring charges and $296,000 losses from discontinued operations last time , on turnover down 4.7% at $13.1m ; mid-term net amounted to $2.9m against losses of $19.6m last time , on sales down 17.9% at $26.2m .
11 Sunward Technologies Inc has turned in third quarter net up 112.7% at $3.5m , on turnover that rose 56.9% at $33.4m ; net profit for the nine months was up 505% at $10.8m , after $1.2m gains from the sale of stock and $617,000 gains from payment of debt this time , on turnover that rose 89% to $94.1m .
12 Some people may be exempt from inclusion on the Community Charge Register and thus from payment of Community Charge , examples are : —
13 Finally , treatment protocols could each be delivered as an item of service — a logical step from payment for health promotion clinics which diagnose disease .
14 In the richer agricultural regions the dues owed to the Grand Prince , or to lay and ecclesiastical landowners , gradually began to be converted from payment in kind to money rents .
15 Later he distinguished payment under threatened seizure of goods from payment in consequence of a threat of action , saying , at pp. 121–122 :
16 Open-air dancing under the floodlights , often in long mackintoshes and trilby hats , a fountain that fell from bucket to bucket like the omnipresent rain , a bewhiskered Emett railway , a tree-walk alongside a forty-foot Chinese dragon — people queued patiently to enjoy such simple pleasures whose lack of sophistication seemed very exciting to people , most of whom had never had a foreign holiday or seen café tables with coloured umbrellas or indeed any fresh paint for as long as they could remember .
17 The query structure is being designed to enable users to find information using near-natural language commands , and will include artificial intelligence technology to automate search routines by making assumptions from experience on user preferences .
18 For further discussion on this see Personality on page 127 and Learning from experience on page 100 .
19 For expansion on the first and third assumptions see Learning from experience on page 100 .
20 for more detail see Directive on page 53 , Consultative on page 38 , Collaborative on page 32 , Delegation on page 49 , Assertiveness on page 8 , Learning from experience on page 100 .
21 Locke aims to defend his view that all our ideas derive from experience by consideration of cases such as ‘ Space , Time , and Infinity , and some few others ’ .
22 These general principles are derived from experience by induction .
23 The extreme demand that all knowledge should be derived from experience by induction rules out the principle of induction basic to the inductivist position .
24 As ever , rank-and-file Party members and local trades union officials provided the core of the listening web which was supposed to embrace all citizens of Romania from cradle to grave .
25 The Welfare State was set up after the Second World War as a means of providing universal ‘ freedom from want ’ , according to Sir William Beveridge , and ‘ care from cradle to grave ’ for the whole population according to Sir Winston Churchill .
26 They should also inform shoppers as to the product 's environmental friendliness from cradle to grave — evaluated according to standardized criteria .
27 Attracted , presumably , by the bright whites and reds , it flits deftly from shirt to shirt , with no intention of going anywhere .
28 In Chapter 9 , we saw how expertise in research is different from expertise in teaching .
29 She went steadily on , from foothold to foothold , only stopping to peel off her glove now and then and push a finger into the wet fringed mouth of a sea-anemone , but mostly she concentrated on the next step , the next handhold , with the sea on one side of her , the swell of grassy land the other .
30 I was carried away on the wave of enthusiasm which , one could almost feel this physically , bore the speaker along from sentence to sentence .
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