Example sentences of "from [art] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 This amount is reduced by dividends received from the invested and by the investor 's share of invested 's losses .
2 I took thirty from fifty , that gives twenty , then took two from the six and took away four from the twenty .
3 from the six and it gives you four but then you give the sign of a larger
4 The imposition of a severe censorship and the sacking of all hostile editors ( there were almost no spetsy in the press ) immediately upon the seizure of power in October 191 7 had ensured its smooth running from the political and administrative point of view .
5 I did n't divorce the spiritual battle in Ulster from the political and I still would n't .
6 To one old abolitionist in 1840 the annual meeting of the BFASS was ‘ only composed of whig radicals ’ and marked a break from the political and religious ecumenicism of the antislavery tradition .
7 This alternative approach , instead of looking for polarities and constructing rigid distinctions in intellectual development with which to correlate similarly reified literacy practices , recognises these literacy practices as themselves social products , no more isolable from the political and ideological context than are the ‘ scientific ’ achievements that Goody would associate with them .
8 Mr Skinner was singing , old songs from the '30s and '40s .
9 Like many others from the 1960s and before , I am fortunate that I missed the modern way and so view science as a richer and altogether more fulfilling experience .
10 Many of these models date from the 1960s and 1970s and contain a ‘ cold war ’ vision of the world .
11 From the broad and busy thoroughfare of the Riviera di Chiaia which is separated from the sea by the Villa Nazionale , a narrow strip of untidy parkland , the little street called Santa Maria in Portico leads inland and uphill over uneven cobbles to the church which bears the same name .
12 This sets him apart from the ordinary and gives him a reason for living .
13 In the early stages of migration , the peasants come from the richer and more developed rural areas and so frequently have more skills to offer when they reach the town , than those in the less developed areas .
14 In the face of their present-day notoriety in the town , the knockers are now spreading their net beyond Brighton in the hope of exacting antiques from the vulnerable and gullible .
15 In political terms ( see chapter 6 above ) it separated people like ‘ the intelligent artisan ’ , to whom British middle-class radicals were anxious to give the vote , from the dangerous and ragged masses whom they were still determined to exclude .
16 They have capitalized on the move towards self-catering by heavily introducing this element into their operations and have also benefited from the 1983 and 1984 slight trend back towards domestic holiday taking .
17 British foreign policy started from the incontestable and apparently unchanging facts that the United Kingdom was an island , depended on sea-borne commerce and communications , and had large overseas possessions .
18 Position markers of mother-of-pearl are inlaid offset in the rosewood , and their diminutive size once again departs from the traditional and scurries off in the direction of the new , though there 's garish or clumsy about them .
19 Other materials , made from natural fibres such as cotton , hemp , flax , and even silk , have played their part in the past , and that is the operative term , for , apart from the traditional and ceremonial kites where authenticity is upheld to the highest degree , such materials are no longer good enough for the modern kite .
20 The aim is partly to shift perception of eighteenth-century French art away from the traditional and popular notion promoted by authors such as the Goncourt brothers towards an appreciation of other genres such as history , landscape and religious works .
21 A special meeting of the Geneva conference was convened on Dec. 16 under the continued co-chairmanship of Cyrus Vance for the UN and Lord Owen for the European Communities ( EC ) to review the situation ; it brought together Foreign Ministers from the Western and Islamic worlds .
22 It expects a further 29 tonnes on completion of the CEGB/SSEB Magnox programme plus an additional 34 tonnes of plutonium from the existing and committed AGR programme .
23 The Marian-centred approach has produced writing which ranges from the absurd and lurid to the scholarly and balanced — about Mary Queen of Scots .
24 Alone with her thoughts and with a blank canvas in front of her , she is transported far away from the rough and occasionally ruthless showbusiness industry .
25 War was declared and , more or less at the same time , her mother , who wished to distance her from the rough and ready children at the village school , arranged for her to have piano lessons .
26 In our games we borrowed lives from the books we read or from the hardy and hard-done-by heroines of Bunty , Girls ' Crystal or School Friend .
27 The two causes were closely linked from the 1840s and it is not surprising that when Cassell visited New York in 1853 as a delegate to a World Temperance Convention he would also use Beecher at work in Ohio .
28 Accounts from the 1840s and 1850s show that cattle stealing was thought by the authorities to be a serious problem in many areas .
29 There are a number of farm buildings at the site that date from the 17th and 18th centuries , the actual mill appearing to date from some point in the 19th century .
30 MUSIC from the 17th and 18th centuries was on the programme when the ‘ Kist of Musick ’ Chamber ensemble visited the University .
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