Example sentences of "but also for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Adrian Arbib makes hand-crafted boxes which are useful not only for day-to-day storage , but also for outdoor expeditions and for transporting finished works .
2 Adrian Arbib makes hand-crafted boxes which are useful not only for day-to-day storage , but also for outdoor expeditions and for transporting finished works .
3 The civil servants watched with barely concealed glee as the ruling party became embarrassed when the North Koreans demanded compensation not only for Japan 's colonial rule but also for all the years since .
4 This book is intended not only for present-day children but also for all who have ever enjoyed the Captain 's adventures .
5 What was most important , though , was that these socially more distinguished patrons were indeed creating a fashion ; they were sanctioning movie-going not only for other less bold middle-class families but also for all that vast number of people caught in the twilight zone between middle-class comfort and the lumpenproletariat .
6 It was also to incorporate the sabra or prickly pear , the cactus which is a symbol of Israel , to provide hope for the future not only for Jews but also for all the persecuted people of the world .
7 Not just for the type of shows that we are directly responsible for , namely the small scale productions , but also for all theatres , particularly in the South East and in the South .
8 That rarity , an album without a filler — admire every aspect as Owens finger-flicks his way through the Stax-happy , gospel croons on a couple of things Sam Cooke would have loved to wrap his larynx around , and opts for the more brooding approach on the let's do crunch of ‘ Why You Treat Me This Way ? ’ — ‘ Blues Soul ’ is remarkable not only for the performance of its outfront star , but also for that of the Pete Wingfield-led back-up squad , which nary places a quaver in the wrong place , along with Mike Vernon 's knowing production .
9 As to 2 , they held in effect that the occupier from whose land these things escaped and did damage is liable not only for the default of his servant , but also for that of an independent contractor and ( as later decisions show ) for that of anyone except a stranger .
10 Having said that any removal of the immunity by section 17 enured for the benefit not only of the person against whom the secondary action was taken but also for that of the employer who was party to the trade dispute , Lord Diplock held that the action by I.T.F. was not protected .
11 The woman 's task is to marry , not only for her own social advancement , but also for that of her family .
12 Catering manager Kirsty Yearsley and her staff cater not only for the Board 's 300 employees , but also for 100 civil servants who occupy the building .
13 The transition from traditional management techniques to those based on personal computers revealed the need not only for good early planning but also for high-level commitment in directing what was to be implemented and for what were described as decision support systems .
14 Avoiding artificial lighting and air conditioning was seen to be important in reducing the use of electricity , not only to keep down running costs but also for wider , environmental reasons .
15 The suppliers lost count of the ancient oaks , not to mention the chestnut and cherry trees , cut down to provide panelling for the two grand offices reserved for the couple , but also for hundreds of function rooms and apparatchiks ' offices .
16 Oil producers found themselves with large dollar surpluses which they did not wish to deposit in the USA , partly as we have seen because of the prevailing regulations but also for political reasons .
17 At the inquiry they had stated that , if the Secretary of State decided the house should be preserved , they would pay not only for past subsidence damage but also for preventative works , in the form of a raft underneath the building , which could be jacked up to correct the effect of any subsidence .
18 This is bad news not merely for Japan 's relations with America but also for ordinary Japanese .
19 They recalled the Augustinian view of political authority as established not merely for defence against external enemies , but also for internal peace .
20 To the left as you entered was the copper over which hung a galvanised tub used not only on wash days but also for personal baths .
21 The sharply increased volume of traffic increased the opportunities for profits , but also for crippling losses .
22 Thus , within the discipline of literature , there must be a place not only for poetry , but also for nineteenth-century German poetry , and a place somewhere for the use of fibre optics in cable television .
23 The help facility is very useful , not only for training new users , but also for infrequent users who suddenly find that they have to take over urgent work at short notice .
24 Money donated by parents is already paying not only for extras and luxuries but also for such basic tools of education as books , art materials and computers .
25 For instance the names of residents were used not only for personal records , but also for certain financial accounts , and for day-to-day tasks such as preparing menus and issuing medicines ; the statistics about the dependency levels of residents were periodically collated from individual records and passed to the headquarters , and so on .
26 The discrepancy between job-specification and status became acute for some coordinators , and remained a problem in some schools , not just for coordinators but also for many other staff with significant cross-school managerial responsibilities .
27 However , Maskelyne had a high opinion of his abilities , lending him considerable sums and securing for him commissions for instruments , not only for his own observatory at Greenwich , but also for new instruments for Eger in Hungary , Mannheim , and Florence .
28 Vast numbers of bricks were required and Bevan had the idea of constructing a tramroad alongside the line of the flight to raise bricks fired at Foxton not only for Foxton Locks but also for other constructions such as the Bosworth Tunnel .
29 Inglis calculated the stress concentration factor , that is to say by how many times the stress is increased locally , not only for rectangular hatchways , but also for other openings such as round and elliptical holes .
30 Because the method is so useful — not only in this connection but also for other memory techniques — many years ago we committed to memory our own personal hooks for each number from 1 — 100 .
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