Example sentences of "but when i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I must have lived , oh , well over ninety-five years , but when I eventually meet God I want to ask him a question which has haunted me all my life .
2 I got bowled over twice and lost sight of Greg completely , but when I finally got back alongside him at the green he was really excited .
3 But when I finally got to bed again it was well into Monday morning and it was Monday afternoon when I surfaced and there was a policeman on the door and it had n't been a nightmare after all .
4 Many of the stories were unbelievable , but when I later checked them , all were true .
5 But when I later tried to find my way back to the dining-room to finish my meal , which should have been a simple thing to do , I just could not locate it at all .
6 bed you see , get used to it , and when I come in in the morning and try and chuck him off well he normally comes down like but when I bloody go to go to bed with you , that 'll be it cos he 'll be straight there again .
7 But when I actually erm got into the social work side of it , and i saw what the needs there were , erm and it was at the particular time too when you know , lots of teachers were sort of being made redundant , or at at least the er the numbers in schools were n't so high .
8 If you get somebody putting six hundred pounds for holidays , I 'll be thinking mhm you know , they 're not going to be able to do a lot on six hundred pounds a year , but when I actually get to talk to them I find they 've got a caravan , and a friend who 's got a site in North er er in North Yorkshire .
9 But when I quickly explained our problem and made my request , her large furry face wrinkled with doubt .
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