Example sentences of "but on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For Pound undoubtedly made the poem more obscure by asking for the excision of some transitional and bridging passages where the language was not at full pressure , but on the other hand he caused to be removed some extended sections which , being plainly extraneous , could only have added to readers ' bafflement .
2 But on the other hand , the statute will also include a clear intention that extended rights of audience are put into practical effect as soon as the necessary conditions have been met .
3 ‘ We accept that we might not get very much for it , but on the other hand we could get more , ’ says Julie Widlake .
4 On one occasion doctors had come to Buckingham Palace to take his tonsils out , but on the other occasion he had been what he called , ‘ a blue light special ’ ; he was rushed to the hospital with acute appendicitis , where the nurses , he said , had spoilt him rotten .
5 Some will argue that it was the decade when ‘ real ’ music was murdered by Stock , Aitken & Waterman or rap , but on the other hand the ‘ real ’ musician of mature years had never had it so good-Chris De Burgh , Fleetwood Mac and Eric Clapton never sold so many tickets , or so many records .
6 But on the other hand , she has her misgivings too .
7 If you do not do anything like this , but on the other hand you do walk a fair amount each day ( to the shops , to work , etc. ) record either the distance or the time spent in walking each day .
8 ( A companion horse should be brought in and kept nearby , but on the other side of the fence — so it does n't interfere when the foal is born . )
9 I know she wants to help me and is worried about me , but on the other hand I think she is angry with me .
10 In fact , she had greasy hair and worried about her weight too , but on the other hand she was also attractive ; she had lovely teeth and something really friendly and sexy about her — lots of boys fancied her , that 's partly why they teased her .
11 I mean , I think there is too much media pressure on us , and I do n't think we should all be a size 10 , but on the other hand , everyone feels better if they feel they look good ; it 's natural .
12 But on the other hand , there are always some things — chocolate ads , for instance — that seduce me .
13 I feel that because I ca n't bring myself to talk about it , but on the other hand I ca n't forget it , I joke instead about hating my body , or hating being a girl , or hating men , then I get drunk and cry .
14 But on the other hand , I was furious ; I thought : this is ridiculous , why should n't I go out wearing what I want without getting hassle ?
15 In the coinage of the early Roman empire , for example , nearly all coins had the emperor 's head on one side , but on the other a great variety of designs were used .
16 But on the other hand , when the great came into contact with the king , when he held his councils and parliaments , when he decided that a mighty subject had stepped out of line , or had acquired too much power and wealth for himself , as happened to James V 's former favourite Sir James Hamilton of Finnart , executed in 1540 : then there was a high level of direct interventionist rule , very tough and irresistibly powerful .
17 But on the other hand , I know of nothing sadder than
18 On the one hand she thought she would possibly enjoy a hour 's gardening when she came home from work and that it would help her unwind , but on the other hand her adult children and her husband would expect tea at 6 p.m .
19 In countries like Colombia and Venezuela , there has been some tinkering with the traditional agrarian system , but on the other hand , Cuba has experienced a complete restructuring of the agrarian sector .
20 But on the other hand increasing age brought new social restrictions .
21 On the one hand it expressed its unease , recalling the need for a comprehensive solution which ‘ must translate into fact the right of the Palestinian people to a homeland ’ , but on the other hand certain members of the Community — Britain , Italy , the Netherlands and France — agreed to help implement the treaty militarily .
22 The suspense is because our winnings depend not just on which card we have played ( which we each know ) , but on the other player 's card too ( which we do n't know until the banker reveals it ) .
23 ‘ I think it was good to meet lots of different people but on the other hand , I have never really felt settled or had lifelong friends like most people , ’ he says .
24 Writing as President of the Light Railways Transport League in 1952 , he continued to show optimism over the future of the tramway : ‘ Here in Blackpool there is no talk at all about abandoning tramways , but on the other hand our progressive modernisation programme continues ’ .
25 ‘ No ! ’ and ‘ Well … on the one hand probably no … but on the other hand … ‘ .
26 But on the other side , it is not necessary to interview everyone in the club if the proper statistical sampling rules are obeyed and if proper tests of significance are applied to results obtained .
27 More skills might be needed here , fewer there ; some jobs might become redundant , but on the other hand others would probably be created .
28 He may have been something of a money-hunter , as his correspondence shows , but on the other hand he had a big family of relatives with a call on him .
29 Parents of allergic children have to walk a tightrope — on the one hand they need to warn their child about things to avoid , but on the other hand they must not make the child over-anxious .
30 My time was slow ( 10.14 ) , but on the other hand I had run fourth in my first World Championship .
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