Example sentences of "but not for the " in BNC.

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1 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
2 Mr Winchester predictably proves his case for part of the Pacific rim , from Japan round to California , but not for the whole circumference — and certainly not for the islands dotted in the Basin , despite the charming Western Samoan girl who takes his bags at Los Angeles airport and quotes Robert Louis Stevenson to him .
3 The contra cause was fired by reverence , both among the rebel leaders and their American sponsors , for democracy in its raw form , not far from anarchy : for freedom of action and impulse , for the right to take up arms and set up companies , but not for the constraints of legislatures or even , much , for the damp blanket of different opinions .
4 Years previously , as a probationary cadet at Harrogate , and later at O.C.T.U. , he had said that he would like to make a success of soldiering , but not for the sake of prestige or promotion .
5 ( i ) bodily injury sustained while under the influence of or ( ii ) disablement due wholly or partly to the effects of intoxicating liquor or drugs other than drugs taken in accordance with treatment prescribed and directed by a qualified registered medical practitioner but not for the treatment of drug addiction .
6 Yes , of course I am disgruntled , but not for the reasons you may adduce .
7 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
8 FASTER , quieter aircraft may be good for people — but not for the world 's natural fliers .
9 Some of the plans for the designs of the pageant wagons have survived , but not for the Assumption so much research had to be undertaken .
10 One kind is the fancy dress which children can wear for a parade but not for the whole of a party .
11 Another splendidly flighted pass found McClair in the danger zone , but not for the first time the Scot 's control was wayward .
12 Hope springs — but not for the moment The outlook for the housing market is modestly optimistic — but any initial pick-up will be in higher turnover , not in higher prices
13 The Treasury and the US Congress have provided Clinton with some statistical support for this perception , but not for the revenue estimate .
14 ‘ I know , ’ I said again , and I was too , but not for the reasons the proctologist believed .
15 But not for the Americans , nor the British who were not bombed heavily enough to prevent them from turning the experience into a basis for a cosy national myth .
16 The usages objected to as ‘ anti-male ’ are certainly sexist , but not for the reasons some men seem to think .
17 But not for the official photo
18 Beating up cushions releases the feelings pent up in the shoulders — but such forms of catharsis are sometimes thought to be all right for Californians but not for the rest of us .
19 Julianna Sciolla , the society 's chief operating officer , says its predicament reflects a crucial financial dilemma facing all U.S. museums , that funds can be raised for construction and exhibition projects , but not for the ordinary task of operating an institution .
20 A book for art historians , journalists , writers on art , but not for the artists themselves .
21 I have not touched on the difficult question of localization here : it is a lively issue where the brain is concerned , but not for the digital computer because , depending on how you interpret its operations , information can be thought of as being anywhere at all in the machine ( i.e. not localized in the sense of being associated with a particular place in it ) , or ( and in some sense conversely ) all operations of the machine can be thought of as going on in one very small and specific place .
22 Privately , Marjorie Richardson had decided in favour of the menopause as the culprit , but not for the world would she say such a thing to Harry .
23 Prose serves for day-to-day communication , but not for the more sacred things of life .
24 You will need a centre string or carriage if they are cut out , but not for the housed string , unless the stairs are more than 900mm ( 36″ ) wide .
25 At present money received in roubles from concerts can be spent on food , hotels , transport , presents , etc. but not for the Dublin-Moscow flight .
26 Internal price controls may be important for the former ( IFC , 1986 ) , but not for the latter .
27 " Those papers are alright to read when you 're sitting on the toilet , but not for the financial news , " he once shouted .
28 In the case of other human beings I have the evidence of my senses for the first and last links of the series , but not for the intermediate link .
29 And this is where the special dilemma comes in : Persian finance might be available for the defeating of Athens , but not for the ‘ liberation ’ which Sparta 's allies wanted , because the liberation envisaged included the freedom of the Greeks in the Persian king 's Asia .
30 I am therefore not convinced that the distinction is a sufficient basis for concluding that the Secretary of State is bound by the judicial view for one class of case , but not for the other .
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