Example sentences of "but he [verb] also " in BNC.

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1 But he had also read the life of Bishop Charles Gore and found it inspiring , so it was not always sickening to work as a bishop .
2 In 1921 , Siqueiros had urged artists to ‘ avoid those lamentable archaeological reconstructions ’ ( ‘ Indianism ’ , ‘ Primitivism ’ , ‘ Americanism' ) but he had also warned against the use of ‘ archaic motifs ’ from the old masters of European art ‘ which for us would be exotic ’ ; instead his advice was to study the arts of both , learning from the ‘ constructive base ’ , the ‘ great sincerity ’ , of the latter , and the ‘ synthetic energy ’ of the former , to combine the ‘ lost values ’ of the past with new values to produce an art appropriate to modern America .
3 But he had also hinted at a sexual relationship with one of his American university professors , and with the editor of a certain American music magazine , with whom he had spent a vacation in Hairi .
4 He had felt an affinity with the brothers because they were a couple of hard nuts , but he had also found they had definite criminal tendencies .
5 ‘ Bet Rachel 's ‘ avin ’ a good laugh , ’ he muttered wryly to himself for not only had he volunteered for fire-watching duties , but he had also volunteered the services of Dobbs and the cart since there was news of petrol rationing .
6 Not only did he own Werner Lines , a worldwide shipping empire with more than vessels in commission , but he had also branched out into the freight industry over the past four years and succeeded in cornering an important section of its competitive market by buying out a succession of small , struggling companies and amalgamating them under an experienced board of directors answerable only to him .
7 Of Korean communists associated with Russia , the best known was Kim Il Sung but he had also been involved with the CCP .
8 Not only had Bohr explained Balmer 's mysterious formula ( and other later formulae for lines corresponding to ending up in orbits with unc but he had also enabled the value of the Rydberg constant A to be calculated in terms of the known quantities m , e , c and h .
9 His record of service to the community was very similar to his father 's , but he had also been Deputy Lieutenant of Cheshire since 1963 , and more recently High Sheriff of the county .
10 Not only had he transformed the political situation among the western Saxons but he had also established himself as the most powerful ruler in southern England .
11 An evangelical of great piety and a man of gentle character and inflexible integrity , Johnson was charged with a mission beyond the powers of most because he was to be custodian of the morals of the infant settlement but he had also to conform to the pragmatism of Arthur Phillip [ q.v. ] , the first governor of New South Wales .
12 Not only had the Archbishop left in haste but he had also taken the Bishop of Rochester 's horses .
13 But he had also given her time to think what she was doing .
14 Not only had Ryan ruined her love and her trust , but he had also made her a coward .
15 By legislating for the emancipation of the serfs Alexander II had achieved more than either of his immediate forebears , but he had also upset peasants , nobles and intellectuals .
16 Rose 's grandfather had made a stupid suggestion but he had also thrown some light on the history of the cottage .
17 Agger thought these kind remarks helpful , but he knew also that they could hardly sweeten .
18 His humour was sometimes expressed in schoolboyish practical jokes , but he possessed also a quicksilver wit , as illustrated by his remark to Lady ( Margaret ) Keynes ( née Darwin ) , who told him she had been bitten by an ape at Gibraltar : ‘ He was having revenge on the Darwins . ’
19 He had been under pressure from Edward III to do so for some time , but he seems also to have feared that Charles V 's forces , which were advancing into the duchy , might revive the rivalries of the civil war period .
20 But he has also been careful to repudiate that facile misreading of deconstruction — prevalent among literary critics — which thinks to turn the tables on philosophy by proclaiming that ‘ all concepts are metaphors ’ , or that philosophic truth-claims are really metaphorical through and through .
21 But he has also incorporated , and indeed revised , much recent analysis by economists .
22 But he has also confessed , and this makes him special .
23 But he has also discovered that the Gorbachev magic has not worked in Romania as it has elsewhere in Eastern Europe .
24 Enlightenment man has undoubtedly been a man of power , but he has also been a barbarian .
25 Not only has Mellor lost the cherished Cabinet post that thrust him to the forefront of British politics , but he has also waved goodbye to the Heritage Secretary 's salary of £63,047 .
26 If , however , the observed changes are not what was predicted , then he has made an error but he has also learned because he must now modify his view of the situation accordingly .
27 Stable companion Boloardo faces a tougher task in the Listed Magnolia Stakes but he has also come through the winter to the complete satisfaction of his trainer .
28 Not only has Simkin been unable to produce evidence of a family history of this genetic developmental disorder , but he has also failed to satisfy the essential diagnostic criteria .
29 But he did also want to put his all into this new play with Maggie Smith that seemed to offer so much .
30 A ladies ' man he may profess to be but he 's also been a bit of a louse .
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