Example sentences of "but to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But to the anorexic , that last phrase is a contradiction in terms : autonomy and femininity have been shown to be irreconcilable .
2 Their enterprising approach brought them profits ; the Hudson 's Bay Company got 10 beaverskins for a gun at its posts on the Bay , but to the Indians this was the final stage in a complicated pattern of inland trade , so that when the French travelled out to the central hunting areas they were able to save the Indians all the transport and trading costs and could get 30 beaverskins for a gun .
3 It follows that there is a close , but quite unexplored , relation between discourse deixis and mention or quotation ; thus in the following example ( from Lyons , 1977a : 667 ) : ( 91 ) A : That 's a rhinoceros B : Spell it for me it refers not to the referent , the beast itself , but to the word rhinoceros .
4 It took me some time to put the fantastic story of the Gauguin inheritance behind me — not out of my mind , but to the back of it , not only because I wondered if they might deteriorate , but also at the bizarre irony of a family sitting on a fortune which they refused to touch .
5 A few hours later he was at a mega Hollywood party , the Welsh wonder from Stratford-upon-Avon , declaiming Shakespeare , drinking soundly , reciting Dylan Thomas , singing , story-telling , perhaps a little over the top , one or two thought , but to the majority a marvellous new whirlwind of talent and animal energy .
6 This vast popularity was a testament not only to the striking and disturbing nature of Wells 's ideas , but to the way he handled them .
7 That , however , was due not just to the complexity of turning the Political Community treaty into reality , but to the problems that the Six were facing in getting the EDC off the ground .
8 But to the person with the compound doubt , an answer which would satisfy his surface doubt alone may put even more pressure on the deeper problem and twist the knife in his hidden wound .
9 They might only be minor , but to the person you 're talking to it 's a major decision .
10 Herbally-based remedies of old , using parts of plants fresh or dried in simple infusions , poultices or decoctions , have been found to have great health benefits but , though their method of application is simple , their prescribing is not , since they have to be tailored not only to a given malady , but to the person concerned .
11 This remark did not , as his passengers might have thought , refer either to the condition of the road or to his not having thought on about Easter , but to the problem of where the other two were going to eat lunch .
12 I agree with my hon. Friend the Member for Cardiff , South and Penarth ( Mr. Michael ) that it is doubly absurd to destroy jobs in the British tobacco industry — as has been done on a large scale — if that leads not to a reduction in tobacco consumption but to the substitution of imported brands of cigarette .
13 Great towering clouds were massing behind Big Allen but to the west the sky was as clear as the inside of a mother-of-pearl-lined shell , of a pale , tender , pink-stained azure .
14 Ngo Van Loc started to slow the car , but to the surprise of the Americans Jacques Devraux motioned him to keep driving .
15 But to the surprise of western political spectators , last autumn 's elections returned Iliescu to power in preference to the policies of Emil Constantinescu and the Democratic Convention , an anti-government coalition promising civil liberties and a free market economy .
16 Units of study include International , Political , Social and Intellectual History , and attention is given not only to the history of Europe , including Britain and Ireland , but to the history of the United States , the Middle East , and South and East Asia .
17 To bring the Crown out of the poverty and debt which had marked most of the reign of Henry VI , both Edward IV and Richard III used professional receivers , auditors , and surveyors to increase the revenue from Crown lands ; and much of this larger income was paid , neither to the Exchequer nor to the Crown 's creditors , but to the Chamber of the royal Household , where it was at the disposal of the King .
18 To a few of us it may seem like only yesterday , but to the Princess , I suspect , it has been a long decade , for she has completed a most extraordinary metamorphosis .
19 On the basis of the above analysis by the Court it might be more accurate to say that the test is a commercial one but that it relates not to the transfer of ownership of enterprises , but to the transfer of economic or organisational activities .
20 The principle appears to be related not to the Crown as such but to the Crown when performing a particular function .
21 Finally , from within psychoanalytical criticism but from outside the Anglo-American paradigm , Gertrud Koch has drawn attention to a different theorisation of the gaze , one that does not link it to voyeuristic ( peeping through the keyhole ) pleasure but rather to the earlier , pre-symbolic stage in which the small child gazes openly at the world and at its mother : ‘ We may in fact owe the invention of the camera not to the keyhole but to the baby-carriage ’ .
22 The Commandments relate not only to religion , but to the intercourse between people , which is most interesting to me .
23 The tensions exhibited by the Council of Europe must be attributed not only to its structure , but to the forces which determined it .
24 The themes and wording should be related , not to the regulars who will be there anyway , but to the felt needs of the additional people you are hoping to reach .
25 ‘ We lost the American colonies because the colonial governments were not in all things answerable to the local parliaments but to the Parliament at Westminster .
26 But to the Dover Harbour Board management there was an obvious solution : ‘ Tell him to wait until the 23.59 — he wo n't need to bother with any of that business then ’ .
27 And because the series has not been directed only to the scholarly elite but to the Church at large , authors in the series have tried to keep the style comparatively light , though the content has been , we hope , of some weight .
28 In practice the student endeavoured to respond not to the aggression but to the idea that this big , angry and intimidating young man was probably the more frightened of the two of them .
29 Having ascertained that the problem related not to the law but to the evidence , he said :
30 A combination of clerical opposition and papal objections thwarted his attempts to tax the clergy directly , but to the king Winchelsey constituted a far greater problem than the pope who , susceptible to more and wider pressures , gradually modified his objections to Edward 's aims and granted him a papal tenth in 1301 .
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