Example sentences of "but [vb -s] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He quotes frequently Seneca 's maxim , ‘ Quotidie morimur ’ ( We die daily ) , but transforms it by St Paul 's gloss : ‘ Quotidie morior per vestram gloriam , fratres ’ ( Brethren , for you I die every day : 1 Cor. 15.31 ) ( Lettere a i Familiari , I , p. 351 , and II , p. 371 ) .
2 But when the Friend begins to age the Poet would wish to die : Here the motif of giving and receiving love , central to this group , uses the traditional metaphor of exchanging hearts , but reanimates it by the particularity with which the trope is extended .
3 The Payment of Wages Act allows employers to make it a condition of employment that new employees should be paid through a bank , but prohibits them from doing this with existing employees ( though of course individual existing employees can agree voluntarily to accept bank-account payment ) .
4 In contrast the new edition of R. P. Boas 's Primer of Real Functions does it all exactly the wrong way round ( Baire before Binomial ) but redeems itself with its dedication : TO MY EPSILONS .
5 Power is not something that is possessed such as blue eyes or red hair but manifests itself in terms of relations with others .
6 The UK exports no wastes , but accepts them from countries which either have or should have the capacity to destroy their own ‘ chemical arisings ’ , as scientists call waste products .
7 So many mixed feelings of guilt and anxiety , love and hate can blur the issue that it may be important to adopt the suggestion of one therapist and discuss all the issues with a wise counsellor , perhaps a minister or some other friend of the family , who knows most of the people concerned but has none of the strong emotional involvement of a family member .
8 Russell is a young kid , but has lots of ability .
9 Perhaps it is too radical and imaginative a suggestion , but has anyone in the local government structure of Suffolk looked beyond their plans to build houses on Ipswich Airport and considered what a fine civil airport for the county either of the two unwanted RAF airfields might make ?
10 In this connection McClellan has written that the librarian does not reject books , but places them on a ‘ scale of accessibility ’ .
11 This book focuses upon 1985 , a mid-way point in the Thatcher years , but places it in the context of the changing reporting which we have studied in the years 1951 , 1961 , 1971 , 1978 as well as 1985 .
12 This reduces the risk of the defendants in a ‘ labour injunction ’ case being taken unawares , but contains nothing about how the court should proceed when both parties are before it .
13 The planned and formulaic rationality of the Enlightenment , according to the critique , is increasingly marked by the familiar , the conventional and by ‘ sameness ’ : a sameness which need not exclude difference , but contains it within the rational , functional and acceptable forms of its own choosing .
14 The Prison Service is reviewing the leave system , but defends it in principle , saying :
15 He decided they are not , ‘ since the intellectual has no direct contact with life in the raw , but encounters it in its easiest synthetic form — upon the printed page . ’
16 Thus the dilemma of the polluting industry is that controlling pollution is expensive , but adds nothing to the value of the goods produced , and is bad business for any firm whose main concern is to maintain profitability in a competitive situation . ’
17 ‘ I know grace rooteth not out the affections of a mother , but putteth them on His wheel who maketh all things new , that they may be refined ; …
18 He no longer confides in he , as he did in the letter at the beginning , but distances himself from her .
19 Juliana Hatfield might not be a gender warrior or fight city hall , but distances herself from the herd of two-bit supposedly alternative US bar-bands by being outwardly conservative and inwardly maverick .
20 Africanus admits that they are hardly adequate , but allows them to be interpreted as a trust in favour of Titius .
21 In 1916 Pound recommends to the neophyte , Iris Barry , readings in Catullus , Propertius , Horace and Ovid , but warns her against trafficking with Virgil ( or Pindar ) .
22 But links them in a bird 's inhuman joy
23 Commodore 's CDTV also benefits from an association with CD-A but approaches it from the other direction .
24 The plant alkaloid ryanodine opens the channels at low ( nanomolar ) concentrations but closes them at higher doses ( micromolar ) .
25 This not only allows him to indulge in more of those awkward movements , which make his first solo such a wonderful parody of classical dance , but shows him as the pathetic clown , always the butt of everyone 's laughter .
26 Unlike Mr Melding , he does not regard this campaign as a stepping stone on the route to Westminster , but sees it as an extension of his involvement in local politics .
27 The group professes agnosticism on the monarchy , but sees it as the ‘ apex and symbol ’ of an unfair and ineffective system .
28 Designers ' Saturday is not an exhibition of how to furnish your home , but concerns itself with interior design as a whole .
29 This is defined by British Standard BS 5283 : 1976 as : the destruction of micro-organisms but not usually bacterial spores ; it does not necessarily kill all micro-organisms but reduces them to a level which is neither harmful to health nor the quality of perishable foods .
30 Such comments show not so much an insensitivity to the problems of the locals , but reduces them to cyphers , tourist attractions almost , along with the surrounding scenery .
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