Example sentences of "but [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Work-people would not be expected to reason why , but to go on doing until they retired .
2 The increase was even felt to be too great : in 1964 , when British groups reached 212 , it was decided to slow down the growth in the UK — not to ‘ act upon the ephemeral enthusiasms of an odd individual ’ , but to go for quality .
3 So we 've been left with no other avenue but to go to law .
4 It 's entirely open to you to reject our way of working but to accept with equanimity the fact of our working .
5 Real prosperity can only be achieved if every South African is free , not only to cast an equal vote , but to participate in wealth creation .
6 This creates a role for the critique of ideology , not to transcend ideology as Marx 's claims for science and materialism in The German Ideology suggest , but to engage with ideology and consequently inform an emancipatory human practice .
7 So there 's no doubt , that Darwin both invoked the inheritance of acquired characteristics , and was even prepared to talk about erm , Lamarck nonsense , not to do with progressivism admittedly , but to do with evolution by will .
8 But to press into service , as though it were no more than a compendium of useful organs , the body of a servant , a friend — and a friend , at that , who died for a crime attributable to one 's own negligence — well , this moral madness placed him beyond human consideration .
9 Pastiche is apt not simply to imitate but to imitate with exaggeration .
10 I became increasingly interested in gay men 's specific ways of seeing the world — what one might call , to use a now unfashionable phrase of Raymond Williams , male homosexual structures of feeling — but to qualify for inclusion in this framework , texts had to pass an ‘ authorship test ’ ( ‘ is/was he gay ? ’ ) that harked back to the bad old days of crudely biographical criticism .
11 Never any tears in public ; no tears at all , if she could help it — but to cry in front of him !
12 But to live in modernity is to experience it as home .
13 It was not to pass examinations and qualify for better wages , not to raise themselves into a higher social class — though these are respectable ambitions and no doubt many of those early students felt them — but to get at knowledge for its own sake because without it their existence would be less worth to them , that the working classes demanded education and got it .
14 I 've always maintained the analogy that working with Fleetwood Mac was like movie making , because you have an idea , but to get from point A to point B you 've got to go through all these steps .
15 And yet if you want properly to hear a Prom there is often little alternative but to stay at home with the radio transmission , so wretched are the acoustics in large areas of the Royal Albert Hall .
16 So I decided not to go to the Literary Club but to stay at home .
17 The Anonimalle Chronicle states that the Kentish rebels commanded those living within 12 leagues of the sea not to accompany the rebel army , but to stay at home to keep the coast free from enemies ( 11 , pp.126–7 , 330–1 ) .
18 The connecting trench was constantly full of water now , and because the firing-step was in danger of crumbling there was no alternative for someone who wanted to visit the other wheel but to wade through water and mud .
19 This is not intended to undermine the safeguard they provide but to take into account the practical difficulties of implementation .
20 The trick of overcoming fear is not to stop feeling frightened , but to act in spite of our fear — in the catchphrase of Susan Jeffers ' self-help book , ‘ Feel The Fear — And Do It Anyway ! ’
21 As you start to think about the things that make you anxious you realize that the passage is telling you not to be anxious but to pray with thanksgiving !
22 In many ways it was a vicious circle — everything cost so much more if one could n't produce in bulk , but to produce in bulk one needed capital — and plenty of outlets .
23 But being unqualified for anything more taxing than preparing meals and cleaning rooms , it seemed I might have no alternative but to go into service .
24 The Congress Party , the biggest single group in the house , but now in opposition for only the second time since independence in 1947 , had no option but to sit in silence when the voice-vote was called .
25 In the end , since the pope refused to free him , he had no alternative but to continue in office .
26 If they are held in overcrowded conditions , unfit for a dog to live in , and have no meaningful occupation — I do not mean soulless , non-productive work — they have no alternative but to fall into mischief and cause trouble .
27 Rune brushed aside her lack of enthusiasm with such purpose that she had no option but to fall into step beside him .
28 Once Slovenia and Croatia were granted their independence , Bosnia 's Croat and Muslim leaders , above all the republic 's president , Alija Izetbegovic , had no choice but to apply for recognition .
29 The otter has no alternative but to retreat in agony and attempt to prize the claws free .
30 When children are unable to find work they may have no option but to stay at home .
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